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New member from Louisville, KY


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Welcome Eric. Koigi is a great name...and very fitting! :-) Is the "g" pronounced like in giraffe or n grey?


Looking forward to the pictures and I'm glad you found us. This is the best Grey-loving family and support system you'll find anywhere! Even if you don't have any issues there is a TON of info/fun on here.



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Hello Eric and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Koigi. That is an unusual name but I like it.


So I assume this grey is the only bird you have but have you had any other birds before? Do you own any other pets? Just a couple of questions to get to know you a little better.


We have loads of useful information in our many threads so take some time and read thru them and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of Koigi and I bet she is a beauty.

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Well we own a few other pets. We have a 5 year old Giant Schnauzer and two 8 year old miniature schnauzers.


We did have a rescue Umbrella Cockatoo that we had for a month or so but the damage was done and she was just too much for us to handle. We had her while we had Koigi and the Cockatoo was dangerous. The damage by her former owners had already been done. She was about 15 years old and nuts. She would act timid and would be on your arm...no problems and would just attack with no warning...she was big enough and strong enough to severely hurt. We ended up finding her a home with a more experienced handler.


Koigi is a very gentle bird. Her first couple years she really bonded to me and didn't want anyone else even close to the cage. We kept trying to introduce new people and things to her and she finally snapped out of it. She now loves other people and never bites. She will go to anyone as long as I get her out of her home.


Koigi likes new toys and likes to chew on wood of course but I have to hang them up a few feet outside her cage for a week or so before I put them in her cage. If I follow these rules she starts playing with the new toy immediately.

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Koigi sounds like a wonderful grey, well socialized and gentle, my Josey does not bite either but she is not too friendly with other people, she is only 2 1/2 years old so maybe there is hope for her yet. She is warming up some to my hubby but does not want much to do with anyone else.


I love Cockatoos but they are too needy for me.

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That's great! What a graceful beauty!!! Fantastic picture. Guess she works hard so she deserves her downtime too...I'm glad she shares the hammock with you though. Sounds like just a great dog all-around.


Maybe your wife can come up with some parrot-agility equipment and we can see Koigi going through the paces in a few years (I'm still working on trying to get mine to put a wiffle ball through a small hoop...she still just thinks it's more fun to toss it off the table). ;)

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I know what your talking about Lisa. Dogs do things to please their humans...birds, atleast my bird, does things to please herself. She would much rather throw a toy off the table and watch me pick it up rather than putting it through some hoop.

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Welcome Eric:

Great looking bird and dogs. There are many folks here to help you understand your new friend. I also have a cockatoo and understand them. It's too bad the Too was beyond your help, but you are to be commended for the attempt. Old and bad habits are hard to break. Now you can start fresh with Koigi. Good luck and glad you could join us.

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MazyAK. Thanks for the welcome. I've had Koigi since she was 12 weeks old and she is almost 4 years old now.


I actually had her when I had the Too but they never saw each other or had any interaction since I was keeping the Too in quarantine. She was just too much for us to handle...not sure what the owners did but she was a very violent bird and seemed to enjoy hurting people more than she enjoyed attention.

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It's unfortunate that when people get birds, they often don't know what they're getting into. They get frustrated when a bird doesn't respond like other pets and often don't realize that discipline doesn't work for birds. They just know love and constant working with. Good on you for doing what you could. It shows you're heart is in the right place. Hopefully the person who has him now can give him a life the bird can get used to and feel comfortable with. Good to have you and Koigi on board and look forward to following your progress.

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