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Baby Dolce or Rocco Update


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Actually, I recently had to wait almost 2 1/2 months to get my Ana Grey! Now that is a long time, but I spent the time reading and hanging around here and picked up a lot of great information. I have had Ana for 1 1/2 months and because of the great people here and the archives of information keep here, so far she is an angel. So hang in there Steph and Rachel, your new babies are so worth it! And I know honestly... it is so hard to wait!!!

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I kinda wish I would've had a little time "forced" on me before I got my baby. There are so many things I wish I would've done when she was young. You're lucky you had the time you did. I'm a very impatient person and once I decide I want something, I want it NOW. I researched for a few days until I found a breeder but I didn't really keep in mind some of the important things. I wish I would have put a harness on her first thing, I wish I would have had more people over and have them handle her as she only allows me to hold her. I wish I would have trained her to let me touch her wherever I want to so that if she's ever hurt I can check her out. I have more wishes like that....I hope that since you had this time before you got your baby, that you won't have a wish list like mine.

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When I bring him home Thursday should I already have the toys in the cage or introduce them to him 1 at a time? and the place i'm getting him from is about 2 hours away they said they will give me a box to put him in should I keep him in there the whole time?



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Have toys in the cage when you bring him home. He will adapt much quicker than having an empty cage and adding these strange items to it after.


As far as the box, he will feel more comfy if he is on your lap, perhaps on a blanket or towel. Once you get him safely in the car and are on your way. I would take him out. It will also start the bonding process immediately, if you are the only one he has to comfort him and he will start to gain his trust with you. Just keep talking softly and sweetly to him, he will sense your reassurance that all will be okay. Remember, he doesn't know where he is going or what's going to happen to him. All he knows, is that he is taken away from the only home he knows.


I am so excited for you. Please keep us posted. :)

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