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Dave007 wrote:

Well Dan, I can only say this..your dogs are extremely unusual. It must be the breed. Imagine!! Vocalizing from both ends!!! Absolutely amazing.


Stereophonic Dobermans with surround sound<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/01/17 23:25


LOL Dave!


Your right, it's a very secret trick they use. The one that is going to get bit, does not know which end is coming at them. Both of which, are DEADLY!! :-)

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Two guys are playing golf -- a Japanese and American. The Japanese man, getting ready to tee off, begins talking into his thumb. The American says, 'What are you doing?' The Japanese man says: 'Oh, don't worry. With microtechnology, I have a microphone inserted in my thumb. I was just recording a message.' The two men go on playing golf. All of a sudden, the American man makes a funny sound that sounds amazingly like a fart. The Japanese man looks over at him. 'Oh,' says the American. 'Don't worry, I'm just receiving a fax.

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Echo does it constantly. Learned it from hearing the real thing.


Did it the other day and just happened to lift one of her legs when she did it, just coincidence but I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.


Oh she picked up my first name finally, Michael.


And I'm working on a new toy with her, she's still in the getting used to it stage but hoping in the next video she'll be playing a tune for us.

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Now that would be hilarious to see her lift her leg while making that sound, I would have been rolling around on the floor laughing so hard I would pee my pants.


I can't wait to see this video of her playing a tune, hurry up and teach her how.:whistle: :laugh:

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Kenya has made that sound a couple of times only...both times when we had company over for dinner, of course. They know...I'm sure of it! :laugh:


I too, would have had to change my pants had I seen her lift her leg while doing it!



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Elmo farts, burps, coughs, sneezes and blows her nose.


It's pretty bad but when she is chillin' on the shower rod and I walk in she farts. She must have learned it from the dogs though:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !!!


The joke "If the dog farts and YOU claim it...You might be a Redneck" runs true my house.:woohoo: :laugh: :sick: But then again it was a favorite passtime here to "Dutch Oven" the cats so anything goes here.

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