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I am re-posting to make sure it wasn't missed and I have more Info.....I FOUND a Congo African Grey on December 9th 2008 in the Goodwood area of Baton Rouge Louisiana....I have since traced the leg band to a breeder here in Louisiana...so my bird is pretty local...she is also pretty young....her hatch date was 2007...I traced the man who weaned her for sale...he said he gave her to a friend in Mississippi who often does the bird fairs (and doesn't keep good records worst luck)...this particular bird may have been purchased at a bird fair somewhere in the USA or some where in Mississippi however the likely hood is that this bird is not far from home...if anyone knows of someone missing a young CAG...please please let me and them know....thanks L

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I am starting to think you just may have a new boarder forever, it sure looks like you have done everything you can to try to find his home. He was very Lucky to have you find him.:kiss:

If you get no responce are you planning to give him a forever home with you?


Carolyn & Mika

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This is really a heartbreaker situation, on one hand she has a grey she found and is falling for more every day she has it and I hope she gets to keep it but then on the other hand there must be someone out there that has lost their grey and they are so sad for not having found it that I would like for them to be able to get it back. Someone is going to end up with a broken heart one way or the other but if the owner is meant to have this bird then they will find it.


You are doing all you can to find this grey's owner but if that owner is not found then you give this grey a loving home for it looks like it came from one.

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My heart wont be broken just changed..I have long ago accepted the fact that all of the animals in my life come and go for a reason...I have rescued many over the years..some die (for some its too late) at my home with little more than a full belly and the sure knowledge that they were loved if only for a little while..some rehab after many months of love, one dog that was so abused it was a catatonic bundle of shaking rags..she finally found herself and then a home FOREVER..some are here on "loan" for a reason I don't know yet...but I have noted in this instance my poor rescue Red Lored is watching what Roswell displays daily and I can see him taking on actual real Parrot behavior...maybe this Grey that I have currently is not destined to stay with me...maybe she was sent to teach Mr Tiki to be a parrot and the people who she truly belongs to a life lesson in attention to detail and attention to your responsibility to your parrot...if they did indeed do something stupid and that's why Roswell is out all the worry and guilt will have taught them what ever lesson they needed to learn...I am confident that this situation will play itself out in the manner it is destined to...they always do...and to a degree your heart breaks and swells and r-heals in a new and more beneficial pattern with each lesson...Is'nt that what life is truly for anyway

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Well thanks but to be honest I am the one that's blessed...and It has been wonderful to have the support and encouragement of all of you here...I borrowed a cage today from the lady that runs the 911parrot rescue site...who wondrously lives about 2 miles from me..I am making some serious friends here...she gave me lots of useful advice and she also offered to foster Roswell until she found here people if necessary...I told her probs not necessary but isn't it wonderful that people like her exist...she has rescue birds galore from Katrina and Gustav and she is really doing everything she can to see that help is freely given...anything we can do to help these types of special people is always a huge benefit

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  • 1 month later...

I am so excited..I found Roswell's Mommy..She came to get her last night...LOL...HIS (Roswell's) name is Cuzco...His owner said he now has a middle name AKA Cuzco Roswell (last name)...I am happy and a bit sad all at the same time..I had come to love the little guy..but I am so happy she has him back..there were two little girls a cat and a pug dog waiting for him to return...not to mention a Daddy (rival)...so I feel as though it was all worth it...she is (his mom) smart and educated about Greys and she has babied and fed and loved him from the beginning he much waited for personality in her life (she got him for her birthday)..I feel totally confident his life will be wonderful and I am so glad to have been a part of it and to have been able to hand him back to a woman who had cried for him and almost lost hope was more than my heart could contain....Today I am spilling over with blessings...Thanks to everyone here for the help and support you have provided….


Adopt Spay Neuter Rescue Recycle Reuse Renew...RESPONSIBILITY

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