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Granuloma on Birds?????


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I was wondering if anyone Can Answer a Question for me? I hope so. The Breeder I am Getting my CAG from told me that the other baby from the Same nest as mine has

GRANULOMA. It just had 3 taken off the one Baby bird at the Vets. Is that something that My baby Bird can Catch or might also have because they have the Same parents? She seems to be 100% Honest with me but I really want to make sure I am Getting a Healthy CAG. And not 3 months down the road mine has it too. Please If anyone can answer my Question. Thanks!

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Well, there's 2 kinds of granulomas--dermal ( external ) and internal. I don't remember which organ/organs are involved with internal granulomas..It's been a while. I'm also not sure of the potential dangers and the end results of internal granulomas. Sorry about that.

Dermal( external) granulomas can't be spread from one bird to another. It's an infection --something like a person would get from hives--an inflamatory infection. There may be a ring of rash around it. Most times, they go away with topicals. That would be up to the breeder or vet as far as treatment

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All I know right now is that The breeder took the baby Bird to the Vet Yesterday and had 3 removed. I even Called the vet she took the bird to and asked questions about granulomas. She told me it is best to have the other baby CAG meaning mine to be tested to make sure. I am not sure if the breeder did that. And she told me that coming from her that she would not Chance it. But that is just her. I dont know what I should do. This is Killing me. I know that I can always find another breeder. There is a Bird Fair in my town Sunday with all breeders of all kinds of birds and I am going to it but I really dont want to chance it and end up with Not a Healthy Baby. I am paying $800 for the bird.

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I'll be straight forward here. Although people don't like to hear this description, I'll say it anyway and it's especially true with new buyers. There's that time when buying a bird that the bird has to be looked at as a piece of merchandise even though it's alive. a person should have piece of mind and start off on the right foot when buying the type of aanimal that comes under the classification of being wild. I personally beieve that you should walk away and look for another bird. If a person goes to a kennel that breeds a certain type of dog, all the puppies will look cute but there may be defects in one or two of those puppies and a person has to be told about cause they're spending big bucks and deserve to get the best for their money. The choice is yours,.


PS--you're already extremely concerned with health situations and yet, you don't even own the animal yet.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/01/15 19:57

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Thanks Dave! I only feel this way because I did that myself one time before. I got a Puppy Daschund that I Still Have and he under up with Demotoxic Mange. Not sure if I spelled it right! LOL! And I spend $1,500 on my baby for dipping for the Mange and it did not do anything for him.:( He is missing some of his fur and it will not grow back. I will Do what ever i have to tomake sure My Pets are Safe and Healthy But I dont want to end up with another UN HEALTHY Pet. I am going to go to the Bird Fair this weekend and talk to some of the Breeders. Thanks for being Honest.

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Dave always gives great advice.


I echo his comments. I would walk away from that breeder. The possibility of obtaining a bird that will result in huge vet bills, ultimately death at a very young age and the resulting heartache is just not worth it.


That breeder needs a thorough clean out and disinfecting and possibly stop all breeding of a pair if it is isolated to them.


I am not heartless, but that breeder is responsible for the humane care and all necessary vet visits, treatments etc. to take care of those birds and provide a permanent home for them unless a home wiling to take on that large responsibility and expense comes along that is fully informed of the issues and costs.

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Sorry, didn't let me finish the post.

Janice says that is the birds aren't healthy when we get then, she refunds us for the bird, which means say we get the bird, then take it straight to the vet, which is what you're suppose to do, and the vet says its unhealthy, Janice keeps saying she will refund us.


She also keeps telling me she won't sell me an unhealthy bird, so i'm currently playing it by ear.


Its kind of weird how I saw this post and knew you were talking about these birds. Ha, small world, huh?


Anyway. I'm going to the exotic bird thing in Spring Hill on Monday, and I to am going to meet a few breeders as back up. Never hurts to be prepared.<br><br>Post edited by: Twosteph, at: 2009/01/17 03:30

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I have read through this, and it kind of gave me details on what to expect if the birds test comes up positive for Aspergillosis, so if my bird has it, it sounds as if yours will to. That, it could have been the nestbox, and this disease could have penetrated the egg?

I guess well have to wait for the results, but I trust Janice as of right now. She seems to be 100% honest with me, she even lets me call the vets and have them explain the situation. So, I don't think she's hiding anything.


Sorry for the three posts in a row:blush:

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Actually, I never have, but she has references. I knew it was Janice, because my bird I am suppose to be getting is the one that has those granulomas, so i'm playing it by ear at the moment.


I did go and meet her with my parents, she was very nice. We met at her son's house, which is the half way point from her place and mine.


Oh man, the newspaper here said Monday, ha. I guess I read it wrong, thanks for the correction!

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Now isn't this a coincidence that we have the two people who are getting the two baby greys from the same breeder and same bird, small world sometimes isn't it.


It will be interesting to see how this plays out but you two keep us informed as to the babies progress and I do hope the one you are getting Steph is going to be ok.

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Ha, no kidding Judygram. I couldn't believe this post when I read it!

Hopefully everything turns out, the tests come back Monday I think. They are going back to the vet again on Monday.


I've never been to a bird fair, I've been to a guinea pig one though. ha. I think it will be interesting.

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You will love the bird fair if it is anything like what I have been to, you will see all kinds of birds, toys, foods, cages, perches and just about anything else bird related, you will think you have died and gone to heaven, be sure to take some money with you for you will want to buy lots of stuff and you will probably find some good deals too. Happy hunting.

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Judygram you are right on that about the Bird Fair. Everytime I want to go to one it is like 2 hrs from my House. And I dont feel like driving that Far. But I am so Happy that the One tomorrow will only be 5 minutes from my House.

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HAha, 5 minutes could be fun, but probably not to great for your wallet.

Do they sell bird cages there about the same prices as online cages? I just can't get myself to spend 500.00 more on a store bought cage, thats the same thing with free shipping online.

It just might be easier to pick one up while i'm there though.

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There will be Cages there People will be selling. I would say Cheaper then a Petstore. I buy most of my Cages at the USA Flea Market in Hudson fl. Next town over from me on 19. The guy sells all Bird stuff from Cages, seeds and even Birds (small). His cages are Cheap& in the Box still Bring it home and put it together. He might even be at the Bird Fair tomorrow!

Everything is always cheaper at a Bird Fair. Well, I think SO!

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