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Tango's New Home


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Since we upgraded to a slightly larger 1BR apartment, we decided Tango needed a larger new space as well :) He's the little blob on the green perch, since it's kind of hard to see. I just bought Legos so I can make some new toys, and we're planning on getting a couple more toys, 1 or 2 more perches, and a little sleep cozy, over the course of the next couple paychecks. I'm happy for our little man! He's livin' the life now!



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Pynk, three of the perches are concrete, as to keep his nails filed down. The cage came with two and we already had one, so we're in abundance! The next couple we get will be natural materials.


Tango seems to like destroying tiny creations more than anything, so I just clip a few Legos together with odd ends hanging out so he has something to grasp onto and let him go to town. I'll give him probably 10 or so at a time, then he just stamps around the ruins like he's really King!

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sounds like Tango has a ball with them - i have legos and megablocks for the grandkids - i will clean a few and see if they are a hit here too!



i have a greencheek conure and one of her perches is concrete - it is the round kind that tapers, but i had not seen any like those in Tango's house - they look like they would be a lot better for a birds feet than what i have now


guess who will be hitting the pet store again this week :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: pynkzephyr, at: 2009/01/17 05:41

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