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Shopping for unconventional "bird toys" like Legos


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So I'm going to the mall tonight to see a movie and thought I might pick up a couple toys for Tango while I'm out. However, there's no place in the mall that sells bird toys -- only a kid's toyshop. I was hoping maybe a few people could give me ideas on PROVEN SAFE toys to buy that our fids can enjoy as well!


I know Legos rank highly on the list... But what else? Thanks for any input!

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Greys seem to love foot toys. both of my birds like their plastic army men, kids toy plastic rings (I do not like the kinds rings that have the slit in the finger part to make them one size fits all as the birds beak can get caught in the slit).


We look through the toy stores and "Dollar" stores for the little (not small enough that they would swallow) plastic toys that the birds would find interesting to play with. We have a little plastic puzzle type game that you have to make the pieces fit together correctly that the birds just love.


Another thing my birds just LOVE is colored popcicle sticks (they like the natural wood colored ones too). They just love ripping them apart. I doubt that you would find those in a toy store though.

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These are such cute ideas, thank you! When I was out last night I only picked up Legos. Actually K'Nex, as Legos have gotten expensive and only seem to come in those kits, not just a big tub of blocks...


I tried to build him a little birdie escape house, but it was waaaaay too small, so we took it apart together. I'd take apart the big pieces and hand Tango a few that were still connected, and he'd take them all apart for me :) We sat and did that while Hubby watched his DVRd episode of 24, and the dogs laid on the floor with chew toys. It was a nice evening B)

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I like the idea of lego though..


Do you have Duplo in America? It's like Lego, but bigger blocks and the bits don't fit together quite as tightly..


Designed for very young children.


heres some next to a piece of lego so you can see the size difference. just thinking about ELGriffiths lego house not being quite big enough



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I hear you on the price tag of legos. I was surprised! But you can buy them in bulk online, places like ebay sell them. A pound of legos is more than we needed.


Although Gryphon really has his heart set on the lego community people set. Maybe for his Hatchday. :)

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exactly what do the greys do with the legos. I have a large size set for the grandkids. I am sure I can take some out of it and they would never notice.....


guess I will see what charlie does with them.


I got him army men to play with last week. so I will wait for another week before introducing the legos..


He gets bored so I alternate the toys...


I love reading threads for different ideals,, especially since charlie seems to love foot toys so much. doesnt want anything to do with the store part toys I have boughten him... I did buy a small hanging toy for a small bird that was just right for him to hold in his foot and play with but it only lasted a couple days... I saved the parts, along with other toy parts to make toys with.

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If you happen to live near a Logo store, they have a bunch of bins with various blocks that you can pick from. You fill up a plastic cup, much like you would a soft drink at a convenience store. I think the large cup is around $14.


I snap them together on a big green Lego platform to form various shaped buildings and "art". Rigel likes to pull them apart and Sierra like to destroy the blocks. Luckily she takes her time with each block, because they are pretty much unusable once she's finished with them.

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I just picked up a bag of Legos in great shape at a second-hand/thrift shop for $1.50cdn. Having Dorian around, now I always wander through the kid's toy section of every Goodwill/Salvation Army/Value Village I can find looking for good quality toys. A thorough clean and they're good to go!

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