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Hi just like to say evening to everyone Just got our African Grey Alfie on the 27th Dec he was born on the 9th oct which makes him just over 13 week old and he is trying to talk already he knows how to wolf whistle and can almost say hello but has started biting in the last few days but we have weened him off his baby food and he is eating his normal dried fruit and seed and veg and all the good stuff is this to early could this be the reason for him biting.

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Hello Baz7863 and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Alfie.


What kind of reaction are you giving to the biting? He could be just testing you to see what he can get away with so kind of ignore it but if he persists then tell him firmly No then put him back into his cage and leave him for 10 minutes and then try again.


Is he biting very hard, is it drawing blood? Most greys will beak at things including the hands and that is normal.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Alfie you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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Hi, congratulations on your baby Alfie. I am a new grey owner also and find that Ana Grey uses her beak to help to get purchase when she is stepping up. She isn't trying to bite just uses her beak to get balance, if she clamps down a little too hard I say no bites and she let's up. If you have any pictures of Alfie to share, we would love to see them.

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Hi Baz and welcome. :) What is your name?


Congrats on your new Alfie! I just met a macaw named Alfie, too. lol


I don't have experience with baby greys biting, but I do with our newly adopted grey! ;) You'll learn to look for signs such as eye pinning or neck feathers ruffled. I'm still learning, but watching our Kenzie's body language is really helping us a lot. Good luck!

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HI sorry yeah my name is Shaun and my wifes name is Lucy. Alfie aint beaking us he is biting down hard not drawing blood but im sure if he was left to he would we tell him no and try to put him away but then he starts to freak out and kick off. He knows how to step up and down when told and he doesnt use his beak to test to see if its stable enough platform he is very confident when doing this.I think he is trying his luck and trying to dominate to be honest lol.:angry:

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Hi Shaun,

I'm Rick, welcome. Cosmo bit a little when he was 18 weeks old. Give it a little time. He could be a little angry over the food change, and also you and your wife are new to him (and him to you). Don't pull away or show frustration, just put Alfie back in his cage and walk away. Eventually he'll learn that everytime he bites, he loses the attention, and they love attention, so he'll put two and two together and stop. They use thier beaks to feel, so there's always some proding with it, but it should be gentile. Never try to be the dominant one, you'll never win. :silly:

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Welcome Shaun,Lucy and Alfie!!


It's GreYt having you on this forum. Enjoy those baby grey moments while you can. He is very young and needful. I'm sure lots of cute baby panting, cuddles, head scratching etc. is starting to take place.


Looking forward to seeing some photos when you get a chance and hearing more from you. :-)

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