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Hi everyone.


Found this site after searching google for information on how often to shower a Grey, low and behold, theres just the article I wanted on your front page!!


I'm not an owner (yet). Hope to take home a new Grey at the end of the month. So you'll probably be seeing a lot of frantic posts for a few months whilst try to work out whether or not I'm doing the right thing!!!


Spent the last couple of months reading every book, website and watching every Youtube video I can cram into my day. But as you can appreciate, there's gonna be all those little unexpected 'happenings'.


oo.. I nearly forgot!! I'm me.. lol.. Chris, 28, slightly nuts.. I live in York in NE UK. I work in a school, there's loads more info on my profile for you all to digest in your free time..


Will get some photo's of the new arrival up as soon as he/she arrives.


In the meantime, here's one of me..




Speak to you all soon



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Hello Chris and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and thisnew grey you are getting.


So you are a little nuts huh, well join the club as we are all nuts over our greys, you will fit in nicely here I think.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Hi Titch and welcome to the family. You sound like a fun loving guy and I'll just bet you are going to be a kick in the pants kind of guy for our family. So do you have a grey in mind or are you still looking; and is it going to be a Congo or a Timneh, a baby or an older grey?

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Welcome Chris. I loved your introduction and picture in your first post!


I'm a new grey owner and despite all the books I've read, videos I've watched, this site has helped TREMENDOUSLY with the little worries and questions that come up out of nowhere. So I know you'll be hanging out here to soak up some more info.


Keep us updated on your progress towards getting a grey!

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Cheers for the welcome :)


I've wanted a bird for a long time, since I was really little.. but was never really in a position to have one for reasons of other priorities, finances and moving houses etc etc.. you know what life can be like.. then some friends of mine took me to their friends bonfire party in October(you still with me here lol??)


it turned out that the parties host is a breeder of Congo's and another bird which i think he called Jardies? is that right? So it'll be about 13-14 weeks old when i pick it up..


So we got chatting and he found out I was into birds (I used to be in the YOC and RSPB). Since then I've been frantically reading everything i can for the last few months lol.. and now my heads just full of conflicting information.. ask one person and they tell you one thing, ask another and they tell you summat else.. i think I'm just going to have to take it all on board, and work out which bits apply to my "individual" Grey.


I've found a Avian vet too in the next village from me.. so it'll have an appointment there, pick it up on a Saturday, going to make an appointment for the Monday afternoon.. Was told to get a "well being" check-up to set my Greys benchmarks and give the little dude it's MOT once a year..


I've driving my parents nuts constantly chatting about the new arrival. Yes i still live at home, in this day and age of house prices, i find it more manageable.


We've decided on calling it Jasper Parrot after the comedian..




Happy New year to you all..


See you round



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Welcome Chris,


I am sure you will fit in well here, we are all nuts lol.


I dont live too far from you and would love it if you could send me the details of the Avian vet you have found as I need a new one.


Enjoy the forum:)



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Hello Chris- welcome to our little flock! I'm really happy you are doing so much investigating before bringing home your grey. They are such a big commitment but very worth the trouble! Let us know when you think of questions you may have!

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