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I got a $550 cage from someone selling it on Craigslist for $150. It took me about a week for the right one to pop up, but bird cages come up on there all the time. It's kind of sad, because you can't help but wonder what happened to the birdies who lived there... There's usually a good explanation though! Anywho, Craigslist.org will ALWAYS have good deals. Nice second-hand cages from $350 and cheaper.

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I got 2 cages off of craigslist too and they were both in like new condition. They were King cages which is one of the best quaility cages for $100 & $150. They would have cost about $650 or more if bought new.


I also bought a nice cage at a bird show. It was 36"x24" and over 5 feet tall. That one cost around $200 and I am happy with it but it is not as good as the King cages that I got off craiglist. Just because they are used doesn't mean they aren't good but I understand if you want a new one.


I have always asked what happened to the birds that used to occupy the cages. One had a vitamin deficency and died because of a poor diet but not a disease. They took it to the vet and found out why it died. The other one, they grey owner moved across country took her bird with her and left the cage behind. It was only used for about 3 months.


Both cages I thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before putting my birds in there.


If you buy from a pet store expect to pay some pretty big $$$. Bird shows offer decent cages for good prices and I recommend craigslist myself. Atleast you get to look at them before you buy.

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I have a place nearby that sells a ton of different cages. http://www.loveonthewing.com Their website says that there is free shipping of orders over $50 but I'd call and check on that. You'd have to call and check on the cage prices also because they're not listed. There are pictures of all the cages though. He has the regular and stainless steel Kings cages.


When I had "wire" cages, the one I liked best was an Island Cage due to the rounded corners and food stations that were outside the normal dimension of the cages so here was more room inside.


I now have acrylic cages (numerous cutouts on all sides and tops though for those who may be concerned about the airflow). I love them (SUPER easy to keep clean) but with my grey I wipe down the inside almost every day to keep the dust out of her space. Pictures can be seen of my current ones under my profile photos. They are from http://www.parrotislandinc.com They don't ship them though but in my opinion would be worth a roadtrip if it's not too far :-).


http://www.cagesbydesign.com has some beautiful ones too, but are really $$$.


If you find the cage you want and plug it into Google, you could do some comparison shopping for price there also. There are several sites that carry many different makes/models.


Happy cage hunting!



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Got our cage off of craigslist too! It's a large cage, 3/4 bar spacing, with a very nice play top. It was less than a year old and in excellent condition...you couldn't even tell it had been used.


I looked up its value before we bought it, and it sells for over $600, and we got it for only $200! Nice deal, eh?


The lady was super nice. She lived 5 minutes away from us and we went and picked it up. While we were there we met her African Grey that was housed in it. She ended up buying the same cage version, but one with a Victorian top instead of play top, so she was just getting rid of the old one.


If you check craigslist.com everyday, some good deals on bird cages will pop-up. You gotta be quick to respond, though before someone else snatches the deal!

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