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Going on a vacation :) without my brid :(


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Hi everybody,


Hubby and I are going on a cruise vaca for 10 days, and we got to leave our bird at home .. My inlaws are going to stop by everyday to feed him and check on him. I m just a little concern about his reaction to everything while we are gone for 10 days. And I am wondering is there any way I can make those 10 days less stressful for Lilo.


I work at home so Lilo pretty much is a cage free bird, he doesn't even go inside the cage at night time, he usually sleeps on top of the cage or on his playstand. but for the 10 days while we are gone, he will have to stay inside the cage. We do try to put him inside the cage once awhile when we are out for dinner or something, hoping that he will get more used to being inside the cage. But I m stll worry if he will be able to handle 10 days in the cage.


Anybody has similar experience? or any suggestions??

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How soon are you leaving?


I would think for starters you might want to give Lilo as much in-cage time as possible between now and then, so he can get a little used to the idea before it becomes a 10-day wait for him. It sounds like kind of a major change for him otherwise...

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We just went through this over Christmas without a problem. We were gone for 7 days and I had our caretaker (who comes twice a day) feed and check on Fred plus we had a radio on a timer that would come on for just a few hours each day. It worked out just fine and Fred was happy to see us and very cuddly when we got back. We made sure to leave ourselves a couple days between coming back and going to work and it ended up that it helped since Fred was wanting to be with us all the time right when we got back. After a couple days the routine kicked back in and all is well! No lasting effects. I would recommend either a TV or a radio to come on for a little entertainment - not for the whole day as they need some quiet time too.

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Hi, Thanks for all the replies,

Casper, Yes Lilo is going to be alone at night by himself, Thats why he will have to be inside the cage for the whole 10 days.


I m actually thinking of another option right now, which is to leave Lilo in a bird sitting place. I have called this place up (a breeder/bird shop place) and they have room right now for lilo. What do you guys think?..He will be in the cage at both places, below are my pros and cons to each place.


At home -

pros - he is going to be in a familar enviorment and bigger cage.

cons - he will be alone by himself for at least 20 hours a day.


At the sitter place -

pros - he is going to have companies everyday for 10hrs or more.

cons - he is going to be at a new enviorment and smaller cage, and he will have to stay there for one extra day since we will have to take him there a day before we leave for our trip..


Do you guys think he will be better off at home or the sitter place?

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Go with the sitter.


""""cons - he is going to be at a new enviorment and smaller cage, and he will have to stay there for one extra day since we will have to take him there a day before we leave for our trip.."""


It's not a con because all birds come flock environment and having other birds around is much better than having no one around

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I would NOT do the in home route. Seeing barely anyone for 10 days seems like a long time, especially if he's used to playing outside the cage all day.


At least if he's at the sitter place, there will be other birds and employees/people to look at and watch! It will keep his mind active.


I would think that the change in environment wouldn't be so bad. Maybe if he was at home, he'd be more stressed because he is in a familiar place where he is used to playing all day and will be wondering where you're at and why the hell he is in the cage lol. At least at a new place there is activity going on around him, which would be ideal.


All I know is if that was my bird, I could never leave it in the cage at home for 10 days...even if someone came over twice a day to check on food and water.


Does the parrot sitter place take the bird out of the cage at all?? Some do once a day.

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One more vote for the sitter/boarder!


I had always had someone come and stay at our house when we went on vacation, but we ended up getting a fireplace installed so I had to board them when they installed it (new fumes, etc.). I was really nervous about it because they hadn't been anywhere other than the vet since they came to our house.


The day I dropped them off I planned to stay there for awhile with them to give them more time to adapt. My grey, who won't normally talk or make much sound other than alarming screams when someone new is around or something's going on that makes her scared, stepped right into the cage there (they have huge cages for the boarding birds that are disinfected between every visit). It wasn't 5 minutes before she was chattering away and didn't make one alarm sound. They all settled in really well and I think they found it at least interesting hearing and seeing other birds.


Just my two cents...



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Ok, guys I have decided to leave Lilo at my mothers house. She works at home so she will be home with lilo all the time, besides she took care of Lilo before so she has some experience.

But next time I m going to check out the boarder for sure. I found a few places in NYc that actually sounded pretty decent. So I will def. try that next time and share the experience. Thanks for everyones replies!!

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Been there and done that, I have typed up instructions on feeding and taking care of my birds before and it does make you feel more relaxed when on vacation because it is there on paper for them to follow so no forgetting that you said "What?"


Have a good cruise, now when do you leave and can I stow away in your luggage and go with you?:whistle: :laugh:

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Thanks all!!

Judy, I m leaving tommarrow and I m going to drop Lilo off to my mothers this afternoon(sniff sniff). I would love to stow you and Lilo away in my luggage...that would be awesome lol.


By the way, when you guys have a chance, can you please go to the "bird food" section and take a look queston titled "Best Place to Buy Harrison's?" Thanks!

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