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My 5 month old TAG is a momma's boy if he sees or hears me he is flying to me and wants to be right in my face rubbing his head under my chin. I notice he is biting my husband and kids if they even try to touch him when he is anywhere by me, he bites my husband very hard and actually is extremely aggressive when anyone even approaches us, if he is not by me he is sweet to all of them it is only when I am in the room. I love that he loves me but I really don't want him to bite, how do I make him not so much of a mamma's boy without not handling him, he is my bird I wanted him, I take care of him so I don't want him to cling to them instead but just to accept them. Is this even pheasable with him or will it have to be one or the other?

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I agree he is bonded to you. You say the bird is ok with others when you are not in the picture, this is common behaviour when a bird is very bonded.The way to deal with this is not to have others handle the bird when you are holding him. Let others give the bird treats and interact with him in other ways, feeding playing, teaching new words, talking to him, cleaning the cage.Beware if the bird is allowed on your shoulder,you could get a nasty bite if others approach you. Place the bird down when others are close,husband,children. The idea of this is so the agressive behaviour does not become a habbit,why risk a bite when you know its coming.My grey was a bit agressive when being put in the cage, I got round this by teaching him to go in the cage on command by himself.Its a similar thing, avoid the situation that causes a flair up.

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She thank you for the ideas I just got done telling my husband pretty much the same thing he really likes echo a lot and I think it was pthering him a little I suggested to him he not try and take him from me but get him out in the morning before I wake up and spend some time with him then, as for the kids he loves them to pieces as long as I am not there, and I do put him on his perch swing that is the living room quite often I don't just sit and hold him all the time so I will have them all wait until he is on his swing to get him. I have to say it is a little flattering that he is so protective of his time with me but we are a family of 6 and I really want him to like everyone. One of the reasons I got the TAG is I heard they are a little more accepting of more people as opposed to the CAG, is this true? He is such a special bird he does some of the sweetest things with me the kids tell me they love the way he looks at me when I am holding him in their words it is with love in his eyes.

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It is said that tags are a bit more balanced than cags but I find little evidence of that. I think it all comes down to personality. You do appear to have the right idea regarding the agression,just be consistant.He is still a baby but may be testing the boundries, just enjoy him and set the ground rules, step up, go down, ect and if possible avoid the volatile situations. Good luck Sheila

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My CAG is bonded to 3 of us, my wife, daughter and myself. At certain times she may bite my daughter due to rough handling.


According to an acquaintance, his CAG is bonded to him only. He bites the rest of the family members. I guess it depends on the personality of individual bird.

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