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Soap Operas?


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I was just wondering if anyone watches and would admit:whistle: to watching soap operas and which ones?


I have watched "Days of our Lives" off and on through out my life.:blush: My mom was hooked on it and I kind of grew up with it on.


If my life or work schedule was too hectic I could always give it up and when I would turn it back several years later and it was like I didn't quit watching at all:laugh: They are so corny I know and I think Days of our Lives has been voted worst soap opera of them all but I still enjoy keeping up with their stories:laugh: It's funny how often they can die and come back to life, get frozen and lose their memories over and over.


I have watched a few others from time to time but Days is the one I ever got hooked on. I did watch General Hospital many years ago when the Luke & Laura saga was going on.


Anybody else watch these crazy soaps:woohoo:

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I used to Erika a long time ago but I gave it up and haven't watched any now for years but you do get addicted to them.


I grew up watching them with my Mom and continued on after I got married, we watched As the World Turns and then later I got hooked on Young and the Restless but haven't watched it for a long time now.

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yes, they can be addictive but it wouldn't kill me if I missed some episodes. I probably have tuned in to most of them but never got hooked except for Days of our Lives. I was starting to get hooked on "Passions" but they went to Direct TV only and no longer on the cable service that I use:( I didn't want to change my service just for a soap opera. They had witches and spells and magic in along with the story lines. It was so bad it was good;) I'm secretly glad I can't watch Passions anymore cuz it takes up alot of time but I do miss it.

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Nope, I don't watch any soap operas...in fact, I can't stand them! lol It just seems like everytime I flip by one on the station, I see really horrible acting that turns me off to even watching and learning the plots. Just so I don't offend anyone (seems like I always do) I am NOT saying that all soap actors & actresses are horrible, I'm sure there are some great ones out there...I just haven't been impressed.


Aren't all the soap stories pretty much the same? Like love triangles? Clue me in! lol

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I never really watch telly anymore.

Before I got the greys I used to watch the soaps but they started to put them on every night! This got to be a bit too much and the story lines were not as good as they used to be.


Music and reading for me now:)

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I have to admit, I'm an "All my Children" fan. I don't get to watch every day but even if you miss several weeks you can still turn on and pretty much pick up where you left off.

I originally became hooked on it because of the character Leo (Josh Dumahel) was so adorable- he eventually left the show and went on to do some movies and star in the show "Las Vegas".

Used to watch "As the World Turns" and "Guiding Light" during the summer breaks from school with my mom. Yeah, the stories are corny, unbelievable and silly but it gives me a moment to escape from my own life and think about something else for a bit.

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I thought it was funny what Kimberly said about the terrible acting:laugh: I think so too. When ever I flip through channels and see soap operas I think their acting can be pretty bad, what's funny though is I don't see the bad acting on the show I watch. I'm sure they are just as bad but since I watch it I can't see it. :whistle:

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I always whatched Soaps with my Mother when I was little. I watch ALL MY CHILDREN & ONE LIFE To LIVE.

I love REX on One Life to live. But I have not had a Chance to watch the soaps for about 2 months. My kids HOG Every TV in the house! LOL! Plus I am Busy cleaning, 3 kids, Pets and other house work. I am Stuck Watching the WIGGLES & ELMO all Day! LOL!!

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