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HELP, my grey cracked his beak


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My adult grey just jumped off his perch, and cracked his beak, its at the tip. it is bleeding. we applied some corn starch to stop bleeding. what should i do. vet is not an option at the moment, we are in the middle of an ice storm..

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Sounds like (and hope) all will be fine. Keep us posted. I am curious if your bird is clipped. A proper clip should allow the bird to safely glide from perch to floor w/o crashing or injury. That being said, accidents can and do happen even to fully flighted birds. However, a severe clip that does not allow proper gliding control can lead to additional injuries and other problems. Just something to think about. ;)

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He seems to be doing ok. The bleeding has stopped. He seems to be licking the inside of his beak, but I figure that would be normal. As far as the wings being clipped, when I inherited him he had no wing or tail feathers at all. Now he has some wing and tail feathers, but i dont think enogh to even give him a soft landing. We take him out almost daily, once in a while he will make a jump for it. This is the first time it resulted in an injury. Thanks again for the quick replies and help. His name is Kenworth.

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Mike, so glad Kenworth is much better. I have hardwood floors and my heart stops every time Ana Grey leaps from the top of her cage. I can't wait until she is fully flighted and apparently, neither can she.!!! Would love to see some pictures of Kenworth if you have any you would like to share.

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