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Does your bird have a favorite song?


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To go along with Talon's tv topic, does you grey have a favorite song?


Nikko likes songs with lots of bass and drums in it. The other day, she was dancing to Faith No More's "We Care A Lot" and 50 Cents "P.i.m.p" (she's a big fan of "fiffy" :P). She also loves it when I sing the "Oo-De-Lally" song from Disney's Robin Hood. I just change the lyrics to be, "Nikkie Beak and Robin Hood are running through the forest, Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally

Golly, what a day." Sometimes I substitute Spencer James (my dog) for Robin Hood.

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Talon sings a song I made up about a birdie. She loves to sing. when I sing to her, and she doesn't know the words, she just sings laaaaaaaaaa very softly over and over until I stop. (Maybe she's trying to tell me something...hmmm

But she doesn't seem to have a favorite yet.:whistle:

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  • 4 years later...

@judygram, I do the same and I'm surprised I haven't heard a common commercial jingle or anything for the last year and a half yet. One thing I did partially teach to Spencer is the 5-note theme from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. He picked it up pretty quickly and would do it as a contact call for a bit - one of us would start and the other would finish - but he hasn't done it in a while now.


One of my phone ringers is "Axel F" from Beverly Hills Cop, and he REALLY gets animated when I let that play through, so maybe he works on that when I'm not around.

Edited by oblivion
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I'm putting together a bird playlist. So far we've got "Valerie" by Amy Winehouse, several songs by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, a little reggae, and Canary Yellow Car by Ray Bonneville. The criteria for a song making the playlist is that all three of my birds have to consistently get excited and vocal when they hear it.

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Brutus knows the Andy Griffith theme song, and sometimes I wished he had never learned it <G>. He always says after whistling the song, "Good Song!" He "dances" to some songs that he likes. He bobs his head and sometimes moves his feet. Lately, because his brother amazon knows the first line of "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" he has been singing that too. I never knew that Greys could sing.

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