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Toni having foot surgery


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Toni, our moderator of the Games room is undergoing surgery on her foot that has continued to give her problems since her auto accident last year. The bone in her foot is continuing to die little by little and her doctor wants to fuse her foot which will make it immobile and difficult to walk with.


She wanted me to inform all her friends of her absence which will last at least for a week and I wanted to let you all know so you can keep her in your thoughts and prayers that everything goes as planned and she can finally put an end to her difficulties with her injuries from that horrible accident.


She will be back with us as soon as she can but please add your own thoughts and well wishes to this thread so she will know how much she will be missed and we hope she will be back with us as soon as possible.


A friend, Judy

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You get yourself well! I will miss you on here thats for sure! I hope your operation will be a success and you will have a quick recovery.


Sending you lots of love and dont worry, we will keep all your games running.


Best wishes Toni.



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I'm so sorry to hear you are still having troubles from that wreck. I hope you recover quickly and get feeling better fast. You will be missed on the forum but we'll be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery-



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Toni, I hope this surgery works good for you and takes away the pain. I don't know all the details of your accident but know you've been through a lot from some of the posts I've seen. You get better soon and take the time you need to heal. You are in my thoughts and prayers as well. {Love-000200BF}

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Dear Toni -


It has really been a trial for you after that accident. I am sorry to hear of the continued bone deterioration and necessary surgery to fuse the bones.


Do take care of yourself and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.


You will be missed.

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Update on Toni, she has decided to postpone the surgery for a while as she was very hesitant to committ to a permanent solution to her foot problem. Toni being a young woman with a daycare to run feels she needs more time to think about this procedure for there is no turning back once it has been performed. She will wear some kind of boot on that foot to help with her mobility until she decides one way or another what to do.


She will be back on the forum soon and I hope to speak to her by phone any day now but this decision is weighing on her heavily and she needs our love and support.


Please continue to offer her your best wishes and support and she will be back on the forum as soon as she can manage it for we miss her terribly, I know I do.

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Toni, as a person who has had several major surgeries, I know how many concerns and possible problems can weigh heavily on your mind. It is not just your surgery that you have to think about but also the effect it can have on your family and other factors in your life. Godspeed on quick answers and resolutions for a speedy and complete recovery.

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Toni, I wish you well and good luck with whichever decision you are going to take. On that note: I hope I am not overstepping my advice - but, did you already consult for a second opinion? Doctors aren't always saying the same thing and sometimes, surprisingly another doctor might come up with a solution that is better.

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I have been in touch with Toni and she will be back on the forum in a few days, she has the day care to take care of in the meantime.


She has missed us all and hopes we bear with her while she decides what to do about her foot but surgery is not an option for her at this time.


She has been thru so much since she was involved in that horrible accident last year and our support and love will help her get thru this until she can decide one way or another what she will do about her problem.


In the meantime I continue to play the games for I enjoy them and soon she will be back to play and contribute to the forum her knowledge and friendship.

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I'M BACK !!!!!!!

Missed all of you greatly. Glad to be back. I decided not to have the surgery YET Im just not rady to go back to what happened before like being layed up again, hurting again. I need to prepare myself more.However the doc is making me wear an ankle boot for when I move around. Im sure soon I will have it done but just not ready now. Thank you soooooooooo much for your thoughts, prayers and the encouraging words. It feels great to have a nice forum family like this. Also thank you to all who has been keeping the games going.You all are appreciated in many ways.

BIGHUGS {Love-0002011E}

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Yeah, Toni is back and with a new game or two, yippee. Yes we did miss you very much and glad you are here to join your other family for a while until you are ready for that surgery. I don't blame you for postponing it a bit, a person has a limit on what they can endure and we know you have been thru a lot but you can count on us for support when you are ready.


Now its time to get back to playing some games and having a little fun here on the forum with all my friends.


Welcome back Toni, its good to see you on here.:)

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