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can someone help me please


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we have just got an african grey and he is approx 10 years old he was rescured from a drunk that was horrid to him.and i mean horrid. we love him lots and is coming on in leaps and bounds the only thing is he is pulling his feathers out which he never had many when we got him but he starts to grow them back but when the new ones on his cheast comes through he pulls them out he seems to be agitated with them i dont really no how to help him but other then that he is a happy bird

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Firstly congratulations on your new grey and thankyou for giving this grey a loving home away from his previous owner.


Had he been plucking when you rehomed him or has he just started to do this when he came to live with you?


How long have you had him?

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Congrats on your getting this grey and rescuing him from his prison and punishment, how anyone could be so mean to one of the magnificent creatures is beyond me but he has a good home now.


You indicated he was already plucking his feathers out before you got him so it may be ingrained in him and he may never stop but maybe with some tender loving care you can stop him or at least slow it down some.


The first thing I would do if you haven't already is get him a full workup by an avian vet to see if he is healthy and if there is any physical reason for his plucking. Most likely it is behavioral but you need to rule out physical first then work on the other.


There are many reasons for why he is doing this and it may take some time to figure it out.


Do you give him regular baths, a lot of greys will pluck if their skin itches so they need baths or spraying at least twice a week.

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superlotto, welcome!

firstly THANK YOU for rescuing that fine birdy! we'll need his name and some photos if miss judygram hasn't already asked for snaps! (judygram, yer falling down on the job missy)


animal rescue is so rewarding although sometimes heartbreaking. but for us here at the monkey house, it has been overwhelmingly rewarding.


our merlin is a plucker too, although it has diminished a bit since he came home to us a year ago. i accept that he will always pluck although that may change which would delight me. but we love him dearly just the way he is and we work on the issues that we believe caused the plucking in the first place: over caging and under stimulation. plus ensuring a good good good diet.


there are threads on here that address the merits of aloe vera juice ($7.99 in the pharmacy at walmart) spritzed undiluted on your birdy to help alleviate the itching that comes along with the feathers growing back. the spray bottle has not worked so well with merl, but we will keep trying. there was a lot of fright at new things but his confidence has really grown in the past few months so we will try again.


the one thing i would like to mention, perhaps the most important lesson i have learned along the way, is that Parrot Time is next to Eternal. just because you would like to hit a certain goal in 6 weeks means little to nothing in Parrot Time. but knowing that has really helped me enjoy each day and moment with merlin which is a good lesson also.


again, THANK YOU for enriching your life and that of your parrot by rescuing him. you may want to keep a journal which will help to encourage you along the way if you should be discouraged at any point. i know i expected merlin to step up after 6 weeks (haw haw haw) and a year+ later he still does not. but that does not suck the joy out of all the other wonderful milestones we have hit together!


we look forward to a long and happy association with you here on the boards.



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thank you so much for ur replys its great to know there is so many kind people out there, his name is jasper! and he is such a cutie even without his feathers! we love him very much and i just hope he is happy, i see that they mite not be a quick fix soloution but just wanted to make sure i wasnt doing anything to upset him. he did go to the vet where they took feather samples etc and said its just down to behaviour. we do spray him but i will give anything a try!!


i hope he can have a happy life now its horrible what them people did to him and he is such a kind bird! im glad they didnt break his spirt! he is still a little jumpy when near his cage because they used to throug beer and the bottles at his cage! im in quite alot so i keep his cage door open for him to come out which he is starting to do quite often now.


we have only had him a couple of months but he is improving loads and hopefully startin to trust us and feel that we love him. i have took some pics of him but will try and put them on when i get chance to


thanks again x

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superlotto i see from your profile you are in the UK. we have lots of members on this board living in the UK and take a look at the map on your profile, several are near you.


UK members! calling you out to welcome superlotto to the forums!


keep up the good work and welcome to mr jasper as well. can't wait to see your snaps.



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Hi and welcome to you and Jasper.

I am so glad you took the bird out of a horrible situation.


It will take time, love and patiance to have Jasper fully feathered again but from your post It does sound like his life has really improved so it may just happen.


I wish you the best of luck with Jasper and I am sure any questions you have will be welcomed and answered.

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Hi superlotto, karma to you for re-homing Jasper, he is one lucky grey for finding some much love in your home. There is a ton of helpful information here and some really great and knowledgeable experienced grey owners here to help with any questions you might have. If you have any pictures to share we would love to see them. We love all our greys no matter what condition they start off in; it is the providing them with the help to make things better that we relish in. You and Jasper are now part of the family and everyone is here for you!!

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just a lil update on jasper, we have found the aloe vera juice so just waiting for it to get delivered :) on a sad note he pulled his lovely red tail feather out! :( does anyone have any tips on how to break his behavour? he lets them grow to a certain point then its lke he gets annoyed wit them and pulls them out i try to distract him but i cant be there all the time. he has new toys ect and diffrent foods and a nice cage (he was in a like budgie cage when rescused)im not expecting miricles but just want him to feel loved and happy x

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  • 2 weeks later...

The closest I can get to an explanation that might help is that rescue bird can often get behaviours that are control issues..the one thing poor jasper could control was his own feathers..in my bird Mr Tiki's case his control issue was his environment and his food..he is slowly getting a bit more chilled...it used to be you couldn't change anything around in the cage...try and think of his plucking as a nail biting habit...it can be hard to break...lots of distraction can help...weave paper throught the bars of his cage...get some foraging toys in the cage a cardboard egg crate with some treats wrapped in tissue paper...sometime they will preen cotton rope instead of feathers..and if you see him picking go and distract him talk sing get him out of the cage etc..you can grow Aloe in the house in the UK and outside in the hot of summer...get it at garden center and cut the odd leaf off and cut it open take the gel part out and add it to a MISTO bottle with some water and a little vitE...I also used to put a drop of GSE (grapefruit seed extract) in it(Misto is a pump bottle for olive oil lol) I spray mine several times a week ...I don't think nightly would hurt...and then sometimes I blow the hair dryer near him (not at him)just to keep the air nearby warm if its chilly...try taping animal planet with parrots on it or something and leaving it on when you are out...Ive got the telly and a cd player on timer...distraction seems to help a lot...don't expect it to be overnight ...remember what was said about parrot time v human time lol...my rescue has been with me 4 years and he doesn't step up either...but he does eat more than one food now and he doesn't freak when you move a toy...slowly slowly...main thing is hes safe...they are super smart..once he starts to feel confident it will be different again...around Birds every day is different...you are doing really well...keep up the good work...its so worth it...Jasper know you saved him..he will do his best for you...just as you are doing your best for him

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