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Shadow breeder update


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First of all I want to thank everyone for their kind words, after a few days of crying, beating up and blaming myself I took a few days to get some much needed sleep, then I cleaned Shadow's cage, toys, playstands and rearranged everything, I had to take the playgym, hanging station down from the dinning room because I kept seeing him there hanging upside down and playing always around 7pm when I feed my dogs.

Anyways I am now past crying and fully pist off and out for blood, I am getting all the vet records together along with a statement from my vet, I also didnt relize it until today, this forum will also serve as a time line of sorts, I have posted and asked advice about the increasing issues I had with Shadow, the screaming, eating issues, feather plucking and so on, to the point that I was thinking about re homing him that is how bad it got, this forum along with the vet visits and notes I have proof that this was a issue from the first day I purchased him, thank GOD i took him to the vet the very next day because that was the first time he was on medication right off the bat, so it was not my fault. The posts I have made on here also go with most of my vet visits which have the same complaints. Now today I am making all kinds of phone calls and Wendsday morning I am taking a drive to get the exact address, its about a 3 hour drive one way but that's ok maybe I will see her ass out side and at this point I have such rage built up who knows what could happen, but I know it will not be nice. I am going to post another message with her information so people on here can be warned and pass along the information, she breeds, Timnehs, Green Cheeks, and Green Quakers and I have the photo from her post showing the birds are all in DOG KENNELS, you see the food bowls and toys, that shows she housed them in all the time, all her birds~ She is also a breeder/rescue for Great Danes, now they looked well taken care of, they had indoor/outdoor runs with enclosures and she had over 30 dogs, they looked nice but her trailer and where the birds was you could see the build up of junk through the windows and she said there was a leak that is why I could not go in, talked to a lady that did go in there and she said it was NASTY and they lived in there with the birds, so that is another form of proof. I will keep you all updated, I alreday have it worked out if I need to be bailed out if I get in trouble for assult. Now Im reday, she is going down, I will save those other birds and other people frm feeling the pain I feel.

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I am Soory to hear about your Baby. I hope everything worked out the way you want it. I think you will do fine. Keep us updated on every step.



Do the Danes look well fed? I am asking because I am a Great Dane Lover and own one myself and they are Sweet Gentle Giants. And they Eat alot! LOL!

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I'm not trying to upset you here but there are other things involved.

I went to her website too. Just like you I couldn't find anything concerning birds. I saw 2 photos of one particular 7 yr old dog that's listed as * special needs*. Has to do with shaking. The thing is this..if the dog was 7 yrs old in 01, that makes the dog aopprox 15 to 16 yrs old. Considering that it's a Great Dane in that picture, that should have given you your first clue that something was amiss.

Great Danes generally live 8-10 years, but with responsible breeding and improved nutrition they can live to be 11 to 13 yrs old. Those 2 pics on her website shouldn't even be there.

I don't really know if you're kidding around about the violence you intend to put on this person but if you really are intending to do this, watch out. You're making yourself look hotheaded and explosive here but I can understand your feelings here and you have every right to feel this way.

You really gotta go back to when you purchased the bird and look at this from a different angle.

What guarantees, warrantees, exchanges or refunds were included in the bill of sale? Did she supply you with different vet's names to go to immediately in order to get a well check? What kind of written material was supplied concerning the bill of sale? Did she have an official name on the bill of sale?


Yes, she may be a breeder of the birds you mentioned but then so could my neighbor down the street be a breeder. That doesn't mean that good stock will be there. The price may be good and the general all around visual appearance of the bird may look good but that doesn't make it so.


Another thing concerns where you saw the birds for sale. Craigslist allows anyone be it businesses or private people to put anything they want on there. The way it's put on there can fool people and many times, people get screwed.

I'll give another example--EBAY. Even though EBAY isn't allowed to sell animals of any kind, lets make believe that they do. A person can advertise that they have a bird for sale and make the ad look good. Most of the upsides of the ad will include shipping, age of bird. There's nothing mentioned about *well checks* refunds, exchanges, warranties. It's your responsibility to get abird checked by a vet and if there's something wrong, you're stuck. The person posts the price, the fee for the shipping, the time it will be shipped, the airlines that will be used.

Another thing about private ad services--rarely does a professional animal breeder advertise on that type of service because they're bound by certain rules that are in the bill of sale. Selling an animal that way would actually decrease the profit that thy're looking for. I'm only posting this because it seems like you're gonna get into some trouble if violence is used and you'll be on the bad end of the deal. You may have someone bail you out but you'll have a record permanently.


PS--Don't buy animals from Craigslist. You're only asking for trouble. Many people like to say that they got great deals on Craigslist but very often, many other people don't say anything about the bad deals simply because they're too embarressed and don't wanna be looked at as being stupid.

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In theory I am all with you in you going and kicking some ass Jade wolf..Is there any other way round it?

such as getting an animal welfare group involved.

They are the ones with the power to take any mistreated birds from her and to make sure she is unable to start breeding animals again.

Once again I am sorry you have had to go through all of this. Its been really traumatic for you

Whatever your decision I wish you all the very best



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I suggest you avoid a personal confrontation with the breeder. You're under a lot of emotional stress, and she isn't. That's an advantage for her. You could not only put her on the defensive and allow her to cover her tracks (i.e., destroy evidence), but also allow her to cast herself as a victim of harassment, threats, etc.


Gather the evidence, report her to the proper authorities and consult an attorney about your legal options.

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I know you have a right to be mad and pissed off at this woman but violence is never the answer as you will end up on the wrong side of the stick.


Dave and David have given you some things to think about and some advice on what you should and shouldn't do, please think this over before you do something you will regret for the rest of your life.

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Ok I know just how you feel. I totally understand your anger. Please take notice when I say the best form of action is DONT GET MAD GET EVEN.I strongley advise you against any contact with this person, if you can take any legal action this will not look in your favour. Compile a detailed dossier including purchase documents, vet bills and records and yes print outs of your posts on this forum. They at least prove you tried everything to help Shadow.Then look at what legal help is available. Write to all parrot magazines,telling shadows story,even your local media but please show no wish for physical revenge. It will only lesson your cause.It is the authorities who need to deal with this person NOT YOU. Give Shadow one last gift of love and do this the right way.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/05 21:21

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What "she" said...Don't do anything that will get you in trouble. There are authorities out there that can handle this. You should go there like you are interested in her business and take many pictures or something to document the conditions the animals are in. Say you want to take pics to show your husband or something. Get creative and be smart about it.


Trust me...I'd want to kill her myself if I were in your situation. You have to approach it rationally and level headed.

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Please protect yourself and avoid personally confronting this person. People such as yourself and the members of this forum, who are passionate about animal welfare, are easy for others to 'write off' as extreme or nuts. If you lose your rationality you risk losing your credibility and your voice. If you act on your emotional instincts to go after the breeder personally you may feel bettter for a moment, but lose your power long term. If you go after her businees in a cool, methodical way, you have a real chance to change her ability to continue her mistreatment of the birds in her care. Plus, DavidH is right. If you give her notice that you're coming after her she may be able to cover her tracks. I know someone locally here who confronted someone running a disgusting puppy mill and told him she was going to report him. By the time someone with authority got out to the property a couple of days later the place was spotless and almost all of the puppies had been 'sold', (almost certainly killed) Honour Shadow and all the other birds who have suffered because of her. Vent your frustration and anger here if you need to, we're here to listen and to help.


Love from Marguerite and Dorian

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Jadewolf, you have really gotten some good advice from everyone - Please listen to them. I cannot imagine the hurt you have been through, and I would be just as mad. This breeder is not worth you getting in trouble over. I would find someone to go there and pretend to be interested in purchasing a bird (would she recognize you?) and take all of the pics and get any info I could, then report her in a heartbeat! Good luck to you - please let us know how it goes -

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I agree with all these posts. This person needs to be put out of business though. Have you got a lawyer? I'd do it legally and not get emotionally involved if you can help it. Talk to the Humane society and see if they would confiscate the animals due to poor living conditions. Don't confront them yourself - it puts you at risk and weakens your case. Any phone call you make should be level headed and a stating of the facts.

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