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Creaky birdy


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Hi there

Since purchasing my Grey a couple of months ago I have noticed that when he stretches it is accompanied by a rather loud "creaky!" noise

I have listened with interest to this over time and I cant work out whether it is the wings itself or a vocal noise..Call me stupid lol

Does your bird do this?

Or does he need oiling?:laugh:

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pugwash wrote:

Does your bird do this?

Or does he need oiling?:laugh:



That is a good one, need oiling, yep its time for a change:laugh:


Is this happening when he yawns, for if it is thats normal, it is almost a click when they stretch out their neck and open their beak wide it makes a click, nothing to worry about.

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Its a creak for sure lol, it happens when he extends his wings behind him for a full on stretch as he pulls his wings back it makes a real rusty door kinda sound;)

My last grey didnt do this its weird lol

My last grey used to flap his wings and say "youre pretty!"

which I took as a compliment lol but clearly he had picked up on what we used to say to him when he did it

Thanks for the responses though Judy and Baxters Mom;)

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Yes, if you listen carefully you can sometimes hear a creaky noise when they stretch their wings.


Mine all do this just before I cover them on a night.


Hope this is what noise you mean Hayley or mine might need oiling as well:laugh:

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We have 2 creaky birds. They both do it when they stretch each wing. It is so cute to hear. Ours now for some reason really exaggerate the noise as well when they stretch. It was the first noise our male made when we got him nearly 2 years ago.

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At xmas we were away and they both had to sleep in the bedroom with me and in the morning our male would hear me move and then he would stretch and make the creaky noise and then look at me to see if I was getting up. When he realised I wasn't he started to stretch again and really exaggerate the noise and then look again to see if i was getting up. I love that noise it's like they are saying I am so content and relaxed.

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