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How did you name your Grey?


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Thought it would be fun to see how people named their feathered friends. I bet some people have special stories behind it and others well...maybe ya just threw darts at a board! :P


For us we waited for DNA sexing. Found out we had a girl (as suspected) and named her Kipusa. This is a Swahili word for "pretty girl". We thought it would be fun to give her some sort of African name, using a language native to the region they come from. We also toyed with the name "Ruby" for her red tail, so that is now her nickname... Ruby Kipusa. We usually call her "Kip" for short.


Whats your story? ;)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/05/18 05:17

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It was really easy to name Nikko, she already had her name when I adopted her :). When we had her DNA sexed and found out she was a female, I considered changing it to a more girlie name (Izzy), but ended up sticking with name she knew for 4 years.

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Guest briansmum

when i tell people my grey is called Brian a lot often think it's an odd name for a parrot. but because they're so intelligent i wanted him to have a proper name not neccessairly a "pet" name. Brian is my grandad's name, he and i were very close when i was young and i love him dearly, he is not so well now so i decided to name my grey after him so that when he is gone i will be reminded of him every day by his feathered namesake.

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These are great stories, and wonderful names. My son named Talon. (after all Talon is supposed to belong to him, but.....)

After a year and a half, we found out that he was a she, but no name changes here, she already new her name at that point.:P

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Mine is named Que. I named her that cause my next bird was suppose to be a blue quaker and I was going to name it Q. But then I got this call from a bird club member about this 6 month old TAG whose owner back out of the sale and she needed a forever home soon cause of her age and to make room for the new babies. So she got the quakers name but with a little change on the spelling. I am so glad I got her.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Lidia

I named mine Joshua Felix because I thought he deserved a name worthy of his intelligence, hopefully long life and his personality. So,"Joshua", because it is a serious name, and "Felix" because when I met him (he was four months old) he flew over to me, landed on my boobs and started nuzzling me.:kiss:

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Well don't have one yet its still at the pet shop. I have money down getting it July 30th for my B'Day which is July 31st. But I had 4 names and down to three. Names are Alcazar cause I love medevil times. Pepsi of course cause I love the drink. Avery cause I buy the paper supplies for my daycare and thought its cute sounding.

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  • 6 months later...

Initially Bella's name was going to be Tashi (Tibetan to go with Jigme - my conure). But when I met her, the only thought I had in my midn was how beatiful she is, and the one thing I kept thinking was Bella - Latin for Beauty. In the mean time she has all kinds of nicknames - the one that seems to stick the most is Beep Beep - she Beeps a lot! LOL!

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I found Oliver in one of the scarier neighborhoods around here - the kind of place you don't go into after dark, and preferably not alone in daylight. He was living in an apartment that reeked of mildew and had been surviving in a roach-infested cage on a diet of stale Hartz seed mix from the grocery store's pet section. He made me think of Dickens' little orphan Oliver Twist and I could just imagine him becoming a flighted pickpocket ...

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I named my CAG Cowboy... because we were watching the Dallas Cowboys on TV and he started rooting for them!!!

Cowboy is a big fan of the Cowboys!!! LOL We have a quaker thats name is Romo!!! You should here us on ball nights!!! We have a blast!!:silly: :silly: :silly:

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When I rescued Red, her name was Ted. They thought she was a boy. She struck me as a girl the minute I met her, so I started calling her Red and she's learned her name, and has never said Ted in my presence.


Zsa Zsa ws originally named General and was also thought to be a boy. My mom actually named her, and her full name is Zsa Zsa Gabird LOL

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