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I'm new to this forum and fairly new to Greys. I have a female Congo grey named Teka. She is just over 1yr old (had her 6 months) and I've trained her to retrieve, turn around, go upside down, lift wings, wave and shake hands. She even potties on command!

She whistles, sneezes, makes lazer noises and laughs.

She has said what what what and maybe hello once. I think she is as well behaved and tame as you can get a grey so I am lucky in this respect.


Anyone have any ideas to get she talking?? I talk to her a lot, I'm around a lot as well as my family and she is in a central location in the house. Any ideas or suggestions?? I'm a little worried and probably more impatient.


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Not every grey will talk, most do but you still have time yet as some won't until they are a little older. My Josey did not talk until she was 1 year old and there are a few that won't until they are 2 or even 3 years old so don't give up just yet.


She may just be one of the few who will not talk at all, I hope you did not get her just for their talking ability for you have already found out they are amazing creatures and you have taught her some tricks.


Just continue to talk to her a lot and if she is going to pick up speech she will soon enough, so just be patient.

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Hi! Teka sounds very smart doing all those tricks. Wish mine did tricks. I got my grey in July and he was 12 years old. He says a few words like, Hello, Come On, Come Ere but that was about it when we got him. He is more of a sound effects bird but he has learned a couple phrases from us now too so that is good. I know he can talk if he wants to becaue I hear him do it but he'd rather make his noises which are just as entertaining. I know he can talk but mine just limits it. As Judy said not all greys talk and then there are some like mine that can but just choose not to say more than a few words and phrases. I was real glad with him that he could pick up new words at 12 years old. I hear they never really quit learning.

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Be patient, talking seems to be an aspect of greys where there is no set way. I've read so many different stories on this site and it varies from bird to bird. Mazy is 15 and has just begun to spit out words and sounds as she hears them. Sometimes repeating them only once. She is carrying on conversations when she's on my shoulder. So it seems no matter how old they get you will always hear new things coming out of your little buddy.

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Shanti is starting to make some garbled English/Spanish type sounds (we are a bilingual household). I think he's getting "hola" and "wow."


It's true that they never stop learning. Alex, the most famous CAG, was still learning new words, meaning and CONCEPTS till he died in his 30s.


After two weeks, I'm still working hard on "step up." Making some progress but not as much as I'd like. Shanti loves to be touched caressed and bathed, but has not made the great leap yet. Any suggestions?

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I have 2 greys...A 10 y/o female timnah, who is a very good talker and saying new things often. Also have a 1.5 y/o Congo Female who is just learning saying only a few words like No, Hello, Good Night. She also loves to make many sound affects. She is still learning, and I hear her muttering everyday. I have to say I dont speech train. My birds seem to generally just pick up on words they hear the most used around them.

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