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wht should i do?


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hello evry1!

i have bought a grey, hez with me about a 6 months ago..i dunno his age...The problem is when he is in the cage he is friendly with me...he talks, shake its head n call my family members name...but the problem is that he didn't talk when he is out of cage..he growls and bites me when i take my hand near to him and didnt talk or whistle, n neither know how to step up n 4rm my side there iz no aggressive attitude towards him ...but he accept food from my hand out of cage ..i have clipped his wings tooo...and secondly he dont know how 2 get inside of the cage but he comes out easily from the top door cage but dont know hot to get back in the cage again....the only way he knowz to get in iz when he is falls on the floor he uses the main cage doorr to get in, infact it took many hours...

plz help me....:(<br><br>Post edited by: mrraju, at: 2009/01/02 00:04

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It sounds to me that you are doing all the right things. some birds take longer than others to trust but he will in time just keep tring and talking to him softly giving him lots of good things to eat he will soon understand that you are safe and will come around it can take quite awhile for a Grey to trust a new owner they are very senseitive and intellegent and they can snce what you are feeling try to open your heart and show him all the love you can. he will pickup on that and start to respond. Greys need lots of patients and love so don't give up.

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You say he falls off the cage when he's around the roof opening and you also say that he goes back in through the main front door. A roof opening is easy to climb through when the bird is going upward. It's another thing to go downward especially when your bird doesn't fly but only falls off the cage. Everytime he falls off the cage it's a bad experience and nothing pleasent happens cause there's no nice landing and that'll continue as long as he repeats it. I believe you should close up the roof opening and just use the main door for him to go in and out of. The higher up an unclipped bird who doesn't fly, the more dangerous the fall.

As far as the talking/whistling, many greys do that just to get the owner to open the door so they can get out. After they get out, many greys will stop talking or whistling. Some will start playing with toys and others will just sit on the cage and relax.You need to keep very alert when he's out of the cage and concentrate on letting those wings grow back. That's extremely important for a bird who has no balance. As far as stepping up, you have the advantage. He can't fly away so just practice the stepping up lessons with him on the floor.

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I never open the roof tops on the cages anymore either.

My birds were the same, they fell down a couple of times so I keep the top closed and they seem to prefer to hang out there a lot more now.


When my birds are out of their cages they are a lot quieter, they will speak a little but not as much as when they are in their cages.


Dave has given some great advice, I would practise the step ups and I would get your bird used to using the main door of the cage. Try and coax him with a favourite treat, save this treat only for when he goes back into the cage. This is what I do with mine and after a while they will associate the two and hopefully this will work.

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My bird hates the top open on his ,he really flips when I try once or twice so never open it now.When im around his cage door is always open , so the the only way he knows to get in and out is via the main door.He loves just to perch on the top and watch whats going on .

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Ana Grey prefers to step up on my wrist or forearm because she gets better purchase, if I offer a finger she grabs hold with her beak and it hurts, but she isn't trying to bite, she is trying to hold on!! The wrist or forearm work better because she feels more secure. Be patient and good luck!!

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thanx ever1 for urz great advice!

today i opened the main door, he comes out n rushes 2 the top of cage and he made me frustrated coz he stoood there for 5 hours and didnt came down.than i have to use a towel 2 bring him back 2 hiz cage....

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