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Hi, I'm Mary Jo, and my sweet and mostly cuddly CAG is Cookie, hatched in 1995. Cookie came to me in March 2007 with almost no feathers. According to his previous owner, he was a feather plucker continually for more than five years. Fortunately I am able to spend a lot of time with him and he has grown all his feathers back except a few primaries, which makes it impossible for him to get lift. This spares me the dilemma of deciding whether to clip his wings or not. Cookie is my first parrot and he is the love of my life.


I just joined the forum today and am not sure how a forum works.

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Hi Mary jo. Welcome. I look forward to hearing more from you and Cookie.You have done well to get Cookies feathers back.When you find your way around hear a bit more it would be lovelly if you could post some photos. We love admiring other members birds.

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Hi Mary Jo and welcome! Personally, I wouldn't see the need to clip his wings, but others here have more experience with that stuff that I do.


Is he getting hurt when he is trying to fly? Bad crash landings? Make a lists of pros and cons of clipping its wings so that you can look at the whole picture.


A flighted bird can burn off more calories and get the much needed exercise indoors.

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Hiya Mary Jo and welcome to the forum.


You sound like you have a great companion in Cookie and you have done a wonderful job as he has now grown his feathers back.


One of my birds has problems as well growing his pimaries, he still gets some lift but mainly has crash landings and needs to be carried everywhere bless him.


You will soon find your way around the forum, I cant wait to hear more about you both and see some pictures when you get chance to post.


Hope you enjoy it here.



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Hello Mary Jo and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Cookie.


Thats great that you could give Cookie a good loving home with plenty of attention which he obviously needed and he is thriving under your care.


There is a wealth of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Cookie you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Mary Jo & Cookie,

Welcome to the forum and well done for helping Cookies feathers to grow back.

Basically, the way it works here, is if you have something to say, or a question to ask, just hit the forums button at the top of any page, decide which room best suits your topic and go into that forum room. There you will see a red "post new topic" button, and it's as easy as that!

You can also chat live with members in the live chat box on the left hand side of the any page. :)

There are loads of really interesting and informative older threads in here so don't be shy, have a good old poke around!

Glad to have you with us


Bye for now.


Lyn & Alfie.



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