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Hi everyone, happy new year, Jeepers says 'Hi doggies', and we have a question, which probably don't belong in this part of the forums, but i'll give it a shot anyways.

Ok, for a week or so now, Jeepers has been acting peculiar. He's acted this way before, but not this long.

He starts making these 'eh eh eh' noises then lowers his wings like a linebacker ready to pounce on a quarterback. While doing this, he shakes his tail from left to right, almost like an excited puppy. He'll then start bobbing his head up and down, bringing up whatever we had given him for breakfast/lunch/whatever. I figure that's his way of giving me a present, like a cat bringing in a mouse or what not. He's done these motions before, but now he's getting really bitey, like he's trying to remove my finger whenever I get near him. Other thatn that, he's fine....he plays with his toys, annoys the cat, his droppings look normal, he has no problem going, i'm just guessing that he's in heat or something....am I right or is there something more to it? Any info would be great. Thanks in advance.:)

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Welcome Gooddoggie!!


It's GreYt having you hear and reading your nice introduction.


It sounds like Jeepers is displaying an intense love for you and also he may be showing some sexual behaviour. When he is acting like that, you need to ensure you do not touch him and stimulate him further if it is a sexual display. They definitely will regurgitate for those they love intensley.


How old is Jeepers?


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos to. I assume your Avatar is Jeepers. :-)

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Hello Gooddoggie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Jeepers.


It does sound like he has a bad case of infatuation with you but it would help to know his age. Reguritating for you is a sure sign of affection for you but if he is a mature grey then he may be looking to you as his mate.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Jeepers you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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He'll be 5 on january 30th, and thanks for the info....I figured letting him be was the best course of action, I just wasn't sure how long this would go on for....I guess it's different for each bird. Thanks again for the info, i'll post more pics of my little feathered killer whale (lol) soon....I tried to upload some little cellphone movies of him but I don't think it worked....i'll keep trying though, and if not i'll plant them on some other site and link it on my profile....I have lots of them, just have to sift through the good ones and the not so good ones....hehe. ;)

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My grey gently grabs my finger and shakes his head quickly, I think it was judygram that said he's probably reminiscing the eyedropper feeding when he was a chick. He displays the regurgitation head-bob to me as well, which is another sign af affection (I know this now thanks to dammcq). Just curious, what does Jeepers droppings look like?<br><br>Post edited by: Journeyman, at: 2009/01/01 22:19

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Hiya, in response to Journeyman, his droppings look the same, not discolored or runny.

In response to luvparrots, i've had him since I was handfeeding him....and when I had bought him from schultzs' bird farm, he picked me, not the other way around.....I walked to where they were all running around, and he came right up to me, like he was waiting for me, lol. I have a pic of when we first brought him home, i'll put it on my profile pics. Cheers!

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Nothing to worry about, strictly affection. When Mazy (now 16) does it I just walk away. That's all I can do. If you do pet them they will goes nuts with excitement and heavy breathing, smothering your hand with her wings. Ignore it.

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Hi! Happy new year to you too!!!My grey is one year old and also does the same as your grey, I always thought that it was his way of showing me his love.Thanks to your question I got more information on what to do.Wellcome to the forum.They are all great arn't they?.

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