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Sleeping in food bowl normal?


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My grey Jacque is nearing 3 years old. Off and on for almost his whole life he has taken to periodically falling asleep head down in his food bowl. In fact, he was so soundly asleep in that position a few minutes ago that when my husband reached thru the bars and nudged him he didn't move at all.


I have noticed him doing this a little more often now that I moved his cage into our living room. He only moved about 20-30 feet from just outside the room where he could still see and interact with us to right in the middle of room along the wall.


Just so you know he does have a high perch he sleeps on at night.



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Hi Jodie,


LOL - That is a funny mental picture. When my Grey was younger, he would crawl inside a 12 pack Pepsi carton in his cage, lay down and fall sound a sleep. All you could see were his feet sticking out of the box sometimes.


I am not certain if the very deep sleep you are describing in your Grey though, may not be an underlying health issue. You say he has done this since a baby, so I assume he has been to the vet throughout his 3 years and nothing could be wrong health wise.


It is interesting that the move into your living room as amplified the behaviour. Do you think he may stay awake longer and is in need of sleep?


Others here will chime in and will have other experiences and observations too. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/30 14:24

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I seem to recall we have had at least one other member who said their grey would do this, sleep upside down in their food bowl and very soundly too in fact.


I wouldn't worry about it if he has a clean bill of health from his vet, its just a quirky thing that a few of them obviously do, they are all individuals so the behavior does not surprise me.


Maybe since you moved his cage to where he is more into the action he is staying awake longer at night and then he needs to nap more during the day to make up for it, just an idea from this rambling head of mine.:whistle: :S

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You notion about the moving causing more distractions causing him to "hide away" and rest kind of make sense. With a teen plus two adults who both work from home he is never lacking in attention. Plus we tend to keep weird, late hours.


He is fine otherwise and plays and "talks" to us. Actually he has never learned to say many words in spite of being right with us almost all the time. He has a large vocabulary of sounds and whistles just few words. Although he did tell me to "get in the car" the other which floored me. To put that many words together when he almost never really speaks.


Aren't grey's such fun!



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Well he hasn't gotten to maturity yet, I have been told you can expect to see some changes in him then due to the hormonal surges that will take place but yes I forgot he is not exactly a baby anymore at three.


My Josey is 2 and 1/2 years old and I have not seen much change in her, some say they go thru a terrible two's stage but I haven't seen it, but I can expect to see some changes when she nears maturity which won't be for a couple more years yet for her.

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They are right about the terrible two's. We went through a period were Jacque would fuss at us, try to bite, was just generally irritable and you couldn't do anything with him. He "fought" with his toys and threw seeds to see how far across the room he could get them (really far!)


Just as suddenly as it started he reverted back to our loving bird, although he now does not like to be petted or have his back touched. Don't ask me why we have never hurt him or even had to towel him it just makes him really nervous and he tries to bite you.


One interesting thing (to me)when he does bite me (unless he his really really angry or scared) he only bites me hard enough to hurt a bit but doesn't break the skin. Sometimes it is more like he is just making a point rather than biting me...pressure no pain.<br><br>Post edited by: lady_jodie, at: 2008/12/30 17:37

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I'm not bragging but Josey has never bitten me, she does occasionally nudge me with her beak and I get the message. She has grabbed a hold of me but has never clamped down enough to hurt much less break the skin. I know my days are numbered before I officially join the Parrot Bite Me Club but I guess she gets her point across without resorting to biting me and that is just fine with me.


Thats it, a little pressure maybe but no pain, hope my luck holds out:whistle:

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I have a note...on the sleeping in the food dish vein...My Amazon Mr Tiki always gets overly sleepy and slightly cranky..lol well crankier than usual when my parents in law come...I just thought he didn't like company coming to stay as he is not fond of my parents in law however I changed my mind this time as I now have Roswell CAG living with us also she is young and mostly likes everyone...anyway it seems to be because my father in law suffers night terrors left over from Nam and without my knowledge he gets up at weird hours of the night he then will go to the lounge and turn on the tv and it disrupts the birds sleeping pattern...we noted that we seldom watch TV late anyway..and if we do we tend to do it in the bedroom...otherwise we may be on the computer late but not making a ton of noise...I read up on it and according to Michelle Karras its quite common for parrots to suffer sleep deprivation due to the family members lifestyle..maybe move your little one back to the former position or do as my friend does and get a sleeping cage and place it in a quiet room..

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My eldest grey Charlie used to sleep in his food bowl but upside down on his back!

For the life of me I have never seen anything like it before!

He did this when he was about 7 months old but thankfully seemed to grow out of it!


They are such characters!:laugh:

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