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Hello Lady_Jodie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Jacque.


You have a zoo but just what all kinds of animals do you have, I would be interested to hear what they are, most of us here are animal lovers besides being nuts for our greys.


Tell us some more about Jacque, how long have you had him, how old is he and so forth, so we can get better understand him.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We would love to see some pictures of Jacque if you have some you would share with us and we have an other birds room where you can share some of any other birds you may have.

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Let's see. Jacque is almost 3 and I have had him since he was about 3-4 months old. I hand fed him for the last month or so before he was weaned. I don't have any pics of him as he doesn't like cameras but I will try to get one.


My husband was the one who really wanted a Grey but when we got Jacque he really attached himself to me which was a surprise. We think that because the breeder was a woman and had been the one to hand feed him from hatching he was more disposed toward women than men. However, he seems to like us both just me a little more. I can handle him when no one else can.


Here is my zoo:

Giacomo Casinova (Jacque for short) - African Grey Dakota - Boxer

Rascal - Siamese Cat

Sassy - American Short Haired Fat Cat

One Husband

One Teenager


BTW, the dog is afraid of everything else we own including the bird. You haven't lived until you've seen a 90+lb dog run from a 4 lb cat. LOL We got him from a Boxer rescue and he was abused and neglected. He was almost all bones and very scared of sudden movements. But he has the most love-able personality...how any one could harm such a desperate to be loved animal (or any pet) I don't understand.<br><br>Post edited by: lady_jodie, at: 2008/12/30 17:23

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Wow I like that name for Jacque, Giacomo Casinova, sounds Italian, is it?


Sassy is one fat cat huh, got any pictures of that?


Yeah I have seen big dogs run from a small cat, just depends on the personality of the cat and I have seen some ferocious ones that know how to use what they have.


Thats wonderful that you could rescue this dog from his pitiful existence but there are people out there that will mistreat animals and I would like to turn the tables on them and see how they like it.:angry:

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Yes Jacque, short for Giacomo Casinova is Italian. We named him that because he is (mostly) a lover not a biter. LOL


My best friend has a Grey named Mardi Gra and he bites everyone...and I mean bite to kill...except my friend and his wife.


So the name was chosen in part because we wanted a loving handle able bird not a biter. And I think we successeded at that. Even when he was small I would let everyone who came to our house hold him if they wanted to, to get him used to different people.

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