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Wow that's pretty cool though hes not stupid and hes getting fed and staying safe from predators...what about setting up some kind of more interesting shelter for him..maybe a naturalistic hollow log or something...I am not sure if greys are hollow log dwellers...drop net for the bushes??...I am impressed by his ingenuity and street smarts and saddened that you are forced to chase him to no avail...I am sure you will prevail eventually but by then he may never be able to revert back to pet status...keep us posted its very interesting and I would totally love to hear you casught him one day

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Parrots are cavity dwellers and i have hundreds of cavities for him to live in. I did make him a nice shelter once and i ended up taking it down when a large rat snake decided it was a swell place for him to live. Their were a few times i thought i heard My bird underground. Not sure but i think he uses rabbit holes to hide. Hes very clever and listens to everything that goes on in my house,even knows when i step outside my door. I suspect he stays very close to the house. My friend brought over a pair of night vision binocs and we used them for over a week and spotted him numerous times in the pitch dark standing in the middle of the lawn and he would immediatly fly away.We finally realized he saw the red infra light and thought it was a predators eye looking at him and would vanish. When i realized it scared him we stopped using it It did make me realize he still spends most of his time on the ground and only flies when he has to. When looking for lost parrots there not always up in 100 ft. trees their just as often on the ground or low bushes. Any sightings of Roswell yet? I sure hope he is found. If after a few days he isnt found you must go look for him just when it starts to get dark. They learn to be quiet in the day to avoid predators and are most active after sundown. I hope i have been of some help to you or anyone else who loses a parrot. They never fly far from where their lost.

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She has been sighted in the morning of Sunday a man fed her peanuts but couldn't catch her...the lady who lost her Twice phoned me to tell me she was sighted in the morning and the street she was on..but not until late afternoon...she definitely wants to appear helpful..but she also wants to find him first so she is kind of working against me...these people have a lot of money and have placed an advert on the radio so she actually got 2 calls on Sunday...I went to both places...the first place was the original place I had rescued Roswell these people feed the birds and I know them well since the first rescue so they went out and bought human grade in the shell peanuts and pine nuts to lure her with and they are keeping the bird feeder full...she knows there's food there from last time so I would think she would keep returning...the other place she was spotted was on a street the other side of the first street...so she is staying on the block so far...there are a lot of trees here in Baton Rouge and she is in an older area of town with large yards and lots of cover...when I found her the first time it was December and it was getting cold and food wasn't as available...right now its getting warm its spring (so shes probs feeling her oats)and food is plentiful...I was out at dusk and dawn over the weekend but can only do dusk during the week...which sucks because dawn she would be hungrier and less wary...clocks changed and dawn is still really dark...do you think she'd be active so early in the morning in the dark...I know they pootle during the night hours and she likes to stay up late as I hear the bell ring at home sometimes past midnight (they are both covered but have a night light as Mr Tiki suffers night panic)...as for yours he is clever..little dickens..have you tried playing the jealousy card..bringing the other bird outside in its cage and fussing with it giving treats making lovey lovey noises etc...he might get a bit jealous and try to come close...you may have to do it daily for a while he must be a bit lonesome unless the other wild birds are allowing him to interact with them

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Hang in there - am praying daily as well that you find her first. does the other person have any paperwork with the band number or anything else that would hinder your claim to Ros? (hoping not, just wondering)


wish I were closer and could come and help you look :)

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She doesn't actually know Ros Band number...or her hatch date..she thought she had registered her with the pet store near us..but she hasn't as that's the first place I checked...I know her hatch date her breeder her band number and all her favourtie foods and habits and noises..also her so called owner is a bit leery of handling her in case she gets bitten..so I don't reckon making claim is going to be an issue but who knows...right now I am praying someone finds her...and I am walking the distrct sowing seeds of descent on the neighbours...I ask "excuse me have you seen an African Grey parrot or any other odd looking bird that doesn't look like it fits" they say "I have your flyer" and I say "no sir you dont, the flyer you have is a flyer with a picture of an African Grey parrot on it, but thats not my bird its not the bird that's lost" then I tell them the whole story about her losing it twice etc...So all the people so far are on my side...everyone immediately says to me after that "you wont give her back to them will you" lol..I am such a B***H...if she was found by me it would be better to my mind but anyone would do right now...we have huge hawks here in Louisiana...not to mention a bunch of snakes and other predators..that's before we take into account domestic predators...just cos my Dogs are afraid of her doesn't mean they all will be...she is still so young...she wont even be 2 till May..poor baby..But shes smart she has eaten yesterday twice at least that I know of..and its not bad weather here..she's in a well tree'd and bushed area..with lots of back gardens and fenced areas..so she can hop from place to place...there's lots of shelter...many people feed the birds and squirrels and raccoons here...I am walking the neighbourhood daily..I saw her Owner yesterday she was driving from place to place putting posters on poles..lol I was rooting through all the bushes on the areas of land where houses had been taken by Katrina and Gustav...lots of downed trees I was filthy when I got home lol...I will be out at dusk this evening...and I will keep you up to date if anything good happens

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darkness is the safest time for them. Instinct tells them the hawks are not flying overhead so i would not be surprised if shes hitting that feeder for food in the early a.m. I also believe she will stay in the same area she is already familier with. Its only a matter of time til you get her. If she is taking p-nuts from strangers that means she is not fearful yet and is approachable. I have played the jealousy card many times and i sense he listens but it doesnt draw him out, only closer. Bongo always was a fearful grey so i am not really surprised he doesnt come out and hides so well. Poor thing must be very lonly for his own kind. I believe i saw him flying with a flock of doves once or else i have a red tailed dove with i hardly doubt. Good luck and when you get a chance keep us updated.

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