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I understand that when a new baby is imminent it can get a little stressful...My husband and I are trying for a baby right now I already have a rescued (very traumatized) Red Lored Amazon..and this Dec I rescued a CAG from a tree..so far no owner has come forward so if no owner arrives we will keep her...to be honest with that a large house a huge yard a full time job and 2 dogs one of which is very elderly you would think I had enough going on lol...but it has not crossed my mind to get rid of anyone just because we will be having a baby lol or possibly two as multiples run in his family and I am older than 35 so they are quite likely...think about it...families the world over have animals and children...they sort of go together really...both are natures gift...why you think they wont mesh and your grey wont adapt I don't know...in the wild younglings arrive every spring and the elders and teens and last years hatchlings don't exactly go mental or anything...your parrot will do what mine do when we mind a friends children...they love the lullaby's...they love the noise...they like the bustle and the baby babble coming from outside their cages...and if they are out then it means we are both there..probably one of us feeding thel ittle ones while the other keeps a weather eye on the feathered ones...trust me its totally doable

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The night I posted last on this forum (in this topic no less) I went into labor. A little early but not dangerously so. Spent 20 hours laboring and ended up with an unplanned c-section! (And it was an awful horrible experience, because apparently anesthetics don't work on me properly!)


Winry is now 11 days old, I've been home one week, and I have to admit -- it's difficult. I know that Starbuck isn't getting the attention she wants/needs. My husband has no choice but to go back to work, since his company is small and not subject to FMLA. He's gone from 7am to 6pm. I am recovering from major surgery and caring for a newborn. She has to eat every 3 hours and poops too many times to count. Not to mention the extra work to get her to breastfeed (there were issues at the hospital that set us back badly).


I'm not worried about my other animals, and they are doing fine. The cats have accepted this tiny intruder on the basis that they get to nap with me more and that is good. The finches don't care as long as they get their food and water daily. The tiel doesn't like humans anyway, let him sing his love songs to his cats and he's good. The snake couldn't give a.... well actually as long as he *gets* his rat's ass... he's pleased as punch.


But Starbuck calls me and calls me until I'm annoyed beyong all recognition, and I can't have her out like I did. I am physically unable to jump up and save that bit of wood trim she decides is tasty, or to intervene if she starts harassing the cats, or to whisk her out of some unexpected harm's way. I don't trust her around the baby yet, she's terrified of her, completely. I get her out in the morning for the short time Winry is napping, and at dinner until bedtime since the back of the couch seems acceptable while the baby is being held at least.


I have found myself in the good moments thinking "oh this will be fine in a few months"... and in the horrible dark moments of postpartum/postsurgery despair flipping through my phone book wondering if any of my friends would like a TAG.


I haven't decided one way or the other, and as my husband pointed out, it's hardly been long enough to know how things will work out. I certainly won't jump the gun, but I want Starbuck to be a happy bird and right now, she is very po'd at me because I simply can't give her what she needs. I am hoping as we settle into a routine, feedings get spaced better, I get some sleep, and my house returns to a non health-hazard state that I'll calm down and be better able to handle it.


At any rate, it did seem fitting to me to post my initial thoughts here, since now I'm going through the very thing the OP was worrying about! It's a struggle so far, but it's early yet and we shall see what we shall see.

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Well congrats on your new baby girl, Winry showing up a little early but then they tend to have a mind of their own, sorry you had to have a c-section as it makes for a slower recovery but if she is healthy then that is all that matters.


I see you are seeing things from a little different perspective now that your baby is here but things may look grim at this point but give it some time, Starbucks will forgive you for less time spent with him right now. I know you will find a way to have her out of her cage some every day and do make that time very special as quality matters more than quanity.


Please keep us updated as time goes by but I am guessing that soon you will have a routine down with both and things will go back to a more normal schedule. In any case let us know how you are doing and if we can be of any help to you.

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They do have a mind of their own -- I went into labor because she flipped over from breech and broke my water in the process, but before she was properly positioned, which eventually led to the c section -- we are sorely tempted to add a second middle name "Trouble".

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Congratulations on your new baby girl.Sorry you had a rough time. You must be feeling so tired and tender right now.Hubby being in work so much cant be helping. I am sure once you recover from the op and settle in to a routine with Winny things will seem easier.Take each day as it comes and go easy on your self.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/09 20:40

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