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Kiwi...I didn't name him


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Kiwi is an AG inherited by a friend of a friend who kept him in a spare room for 10 years because Kiwi didn't exactly like the guy. He was plucked, dull and his tail was deformed. In 3 months of daily baths and never being caged he is the most amusing boy! He laughs all day, and is in love with my Blue front girl UNTILL Chopper my Bulldog enters the room. Wherever he is he runs over to chopper to play with his tail or his nails. Chopper is a little uncomfortable with it but would never hurt Kiwi but sometimes Chopper just has to leave the room, it's too much love for him. I live in an old farm house with doors and last night I went out and Kiwi walked into the other room to sit on the sofa with Chopper to watch TV!


Anyone else have an AG obcessed with a dog?



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Welcome Jodi and Kiwi!!


It's GreYt having you here. Some Greys and Dogs do get along quite well and others just don't. IN either case, they need to be watched carefully when interacting, just to make sure neither gets hurts. :-)


I have two Dobermans and they tolerate my Grey, but when he flies, they get exited and would love to eat him, so they must be watched carefully at all times. They have gotten a little more mellow over time and my grey can fly to the floor without them jumping up to get him. However, we do not allow either to get any closer than 5 or 10 feet of him. WE also need to watch our grey, as he will sometimes start walking over to I suppose nibble on their interesting looking claws.


Others here will chime in that have dog\parrot friendships that are a real treat to see photos of and hear of their antics. :-)

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I have 3 birds. All Rescues. I do Bulldog Rescue and a local animal hospital called me about a little bird whose owner was moving into an assisted living facility. First came Biba a little White front Amazon (I keep everyone's name no matter how much they stink) She is a little m o n s t e r !!! So I thought I would try to adopt a friend to keep her busy. I work from home and she lives in the same rooom where I work so, I could barely talk on the phone. My blue front Katie came from an old woman who died. Her children were going to euthanize Katie because they didn't think anyone would want an 18 year old bird. Katie was shy when I picked her up, she was living in a cage with thousands of fruit flies. Her nails were long and her head was so dull it almost looked white. It was a miracle when they got together. They balanced eachother out and gave eachother lots of confidence. They feed eachother. PERFECT.

Kiwi came 9 months later. I volunteer at a wildlife center and the rest of the story is above...But all 3 had "issues" that have all dissapeared since they got together!!!

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Wow Jodi, what a wonderful thing to do for those rescues. It's wonderful to hear of GreYt people like yourself stepping up and showing these poor critters what a good and loving home is like.


It's also always good to hear of a group of different critter types all getting along and helping each other out by being friends and just hanging out. :-)


You are truly blessed to be able to work at home and volunteer at a wildlife center. Many of us can only dream of being able to do what you already are.


Many here have rescued Greys, other Parrots and animals as well.


I have been rescuing Dobermans for the last 10 years and it is a real joy to watch them "Come Alive" and see that spark of joy in their eyes once again.


Looking forward to having you on this forum and contributing your knowledge and friendship to others here as well. You'll find we are a very caring group that truly enjoys helping others and becoming friends with all here. :-)

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Everyone should Rescue!!! Every Rescue animal appreciates you and life so so so much more than one who only knows the "spoiled" life. There are breed / species rescues all over the world for almost anything you can think of and after 9 years in Rescue, I ALWAYS hear that the Rescue is much more appreciative, willing to please and more loving than anything anyone has experienced. I'm in PA and there are 3 great bird rescues in my area. They are overloaded...sad.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly on rescuing!!


Those are two beautiful Parrots and obviously seem to love and get along with each other very well. Thanks for sharing this photo. :-)


We also have a rescue room you should post in so others in the PA area will know you are there. Al the rescues and animal control shelters are busting at the seams, due to the present economy situation and it is sad both for the Critters and the Owners you seeing crying at having to give them up due to living situation changes.


Also, please go to the welcome room and introduce yourself so others will know you are a new member :-)


It's great having you here!!

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That is so sweet of those two feeding each other, you are so blessed to have taken in some rescues that get along with each other, I guess it was just meant to be.


People who rescue pets hold a special place in my heart, they are taking in ones with who knows what kind of problems but like you said they turn out to be some of the most wonderful pets that anyone could imagine.


I second Dan's suggestion of going to the welcome room and make a post there to introduce yourself so we may get to know you better.

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