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Bringing CAG home on 2/15

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And I'm so excited! I put down my deposit today, I find out the sex in a couple of weeks. I'm new to grey ownership, but not new to birds. I have two senegal parrots and a peach fronted conure. If it's a girl, I'm going to name her Scarlet, and I'm stuck on boy names as of yet...<br><br>Post edited by: edillon5063, at: 2008/12/25 21:53

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Hello Edillon and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you are getting.


Welcome to the ranks of grey ownership, you are about to embark on a remarkable journey of a lifetime, living with a grey is such a joy and you will find you wonder how you managed to get along so far without one.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of this new baby you are getting please consider sharing them with us, we love to see each other's greys.

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Hi Edillon and welcome to the family. I recently got my grey so I know just now excited you must be. Scarlet is a lovely name, happens if your grey is a male your should think of naming it Rhett for Rhett Butler? I was always a fan of Gone with the Wind!:) If you have any pictures of your new baby, we would love to see them.

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