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Removing lLeg Bands


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I'm curious as to how many members have removed the foot band on their bird. And if so, how did you, when did you, and for what reasons.

Rikki has a band and I am always concerned she may get it caught on something.

Any advice/answers would be helpful. I would like to hear our thoughts on this.

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Hi Talon,


I have had Indy's band removed for 2 reasons. It was loose on her leg and was concerned that she was either going to get it caught or pick at it and swallow it. I got hers removed at the vets and she had a little bruise on her leg which disappeared after a week.


I am thinking about getting Ice's removed now as its so worn away you cant see any of the information on it!!! As he is a big boy i think its a little snug. The vet has told me that if they were to remove it he would need to be put to sleep first........which I dont really want to do.


My advice is to go talk to your vet and let them know of your concerns and let them tell you what the options are.

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Our grey originally had her leg band on for 10-15 years. When she was put in the parrot rescue/adoption place...they had her band removed at her first vet check-up.


Probably removed as a precaution against injury, I guess. I have actually read about a bird getting its leg band caught in the clasp of a toy while the owner was away and the bird actually chewed 3 of its toes off to try to get loose. :(

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We removed the leg band from my parent's timneh back in the 80s. In his case, he had an open band, since it was placed on him when he was imported into the U.S. We toweled him and carefully removed it with two pair of vice grips. He'd worn it for quite a while, but we felt he'd be more comfortable without it.


Most birds that have been banded as babies have solid bands, which can't be removed in the same way. Many are aluminum, but some are stainless steel, making it even more difficult. You could probably remove it using a Dremel tool, but I'd recommend having the vet perform the removal. They have more experience, better tools, and if something goes wrong, no time is lost in treating the injury.


Neither of my two greys have ever been banded. My vet recommends "chipping" them instead for legal identification.

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My vet recommended removing the band. He's seen too many accidents where they get caught or tangled in toys. It was also a solid band and very thick, but he cut it off in two seconds and Gryph seemed to not even notice. There was no charge or putting him under anesthetic of any kind.


I had him microchipped and the band info recorded.

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HOORAY!!! :woohoo: I just talked to my vet, and scheduled a well check up for Rikki and he will remove her band. He said they will towel her and cut it off in just a few seconds! The cost for removal is $19. I will let you know how she does. She has never seen a vet since I have had her, :blush: but it's only been 5 months. I do like them to go to the vet yearly for a check up, but $$ was an issue when I first got her since I hadn't planned of acquiring another grey..:woohoo:

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I had Tycos removed when I got her she was constantly biting and pulling at it and her leg was getting raw because of it My vet had a tool to cut it with and It only took a couple seconds they didn't put her under anestetic todo it. I think that if they even sugested putting her to sleep for such a simple thing like cutting off a leg band I would look for another vet obviously that vet isn't very good at handleing birds if he puts them to sleep. That would make me lose all confidence with him/her

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Penny you won't regret taking that leg band off and I am so glad I chose to not put Josey's on, I have heard of too many that had problems with them at some point in time.


I am sure Rikki will take the removal of hers in stride and I hope she gets a clean bill of health.:)

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Talon wrote:

Rikki's band is solid. I would like to have it removed, but I don't want to put her to sleep to do it. :(


Hmmm. We were informed that the vet could perform this with a good toweling, the bird flipped over with only foot exposed and held steady while they clipped.


IMHO, the old school aluminum bands should definitely be removed because besides getting caught on something, they are easily crushed. The newer stainless steel ones won't crush, but they can still pose a danger with getting caught on things.

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Charlie has a split stainless steel band,at the moment he does not bother with it and I do check it often.I did ask my vet about removal and he said it was a good fit and saw no imediate reason. He did say that if for any reason Charlie needed it removed he would do so or if he needed an anasthetic for any reason he would do it then. I have Charlie microchipped aswell so will probabley have the ring removed when the oportunity presents .<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/12/27 14:15

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Well Carolyn, Rikki or Talon are not chipped, but I will not worry as much when I leave Rikki alone. She doesn't play when I am home, but when I leave, she climbs all over her cage and plays the entire time. That's when I worry about her band getting caught on something. I will feel better after Monday when it will be removed. I think you made the right choice too! :)

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UPDATE~~~~~~ Rikki went to the vet for her checkup and to have her band removed. She weighed 394 grams, and had 2 gram tests done. He said she was very healthy looking and had great muscle tone. When he toweled her, she even opened her beak up and waited for him to check her mouth. It was so cute!!

Then he took out the cutting pliers and cut her band off. She didn't move a muscle, and never once made a peep the entire time we were there! I was very proud of her. :woohoo: :woohoo: (not like Talon who yells and screams as soon as you towel her...):blink:

The vet thought her leg band was much too big for her, and was surprised to know that it hadn't gone up her leg and gotten stuck when she goes upside down. :huh:

He also said: NO PEANUTS!!!! This I already knew, but I occasionally let her have them, that will stop now for good. Almonds, walnuts, and especially red palm nuts if I can find them is what he would like to see her have.

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