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Rescued african grey doing fantasic..


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Hi everyone

I cant believe its been 15 months since i got my lovely bird.

For those who dont know,he came to stay here while his owner was on holiday for a week.

When he went home with his owner after a week here,he wouldnt settle and bit his owner frequently.

The owner asked if i would like him permanantly,of course i agreed because the bird loved being with me.


So here we are 15 months later and my African grey is well happy here.Hes out of his cage for hours everyday.

Although im his favourite,he will happily play and be stroked by my wife and kids too..


He even enjoys mimicking my german shepherds and barks at them lol.

Happy days indeed..


Merry Christmas to all.


Kind Regards



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I have been reading your back posts and I love the way Leo decided he wanted to be with you and your family and his prior owner was smart enough and caring enough to see that his grey got his wish. Do you have any pictures you can share with us? And don't stay gone so long before we get another update! Merry Christmas.


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