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How about we all give the reason why we joined the Grey Forums and what we personally like most about it. I'll start.


I joined because you instantly get knowledgeable answers to questions about African Greys. I stay because of all the great information made available so generously by the forum family and the great camaraderie between everyone.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/07/02 23:11

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I joined at first because to gain knowledge of a future African Grey.Now that I have Alcazar.I stay because of the great people in this forum who care not only about their fids but also the fids of others. You can really feel the love in this forum for the fids plus towards each other. I stay because this is now my 2nd family.


Great post.Karma your way.

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I joined because I suddenly had a Grey living in my living room. The Grey decided he was in love with me (not his rightful owner, just the homeowner who agreed to let him camp out here). So of course, I was won over by the little guy. And as the one internet savvy person in the house, I started trying to gather as much info on Greys as I could and stumbled across this place. The rest is history! I love coming to this site!

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Like others, I joined to learn more about my first grey Charlie.


Now, what can I say, not only do I still learn something new every day but I have found some wonderful friends on here,it is defintley my 2nd family!


I love to spend my time on here, its a fantastic place to learn and meet new people!

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I'm always trying to learn more about birds, the internet is such a great tool for those of us that like to learn. I stumbled across the grey forum awhile back and after lurking for awhile and reading lots of posts decided I wanted to join in the fun and discussions. I love having a place to go to talk about my birds and others- listening to the stories others tell about the neat things their birds do really fascinates me. Not many people in my life really care about birds or find them as interesting as I do, here at least there are tons of other people that share my interest and passion. Plus, I hope I can help some new bird owners by passing on what I've learned over the years. If it can help one bird have a happier life, it makes me happy!

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I randomly found this site while writing a report on African Greys for biology class and started reading posts that I could relate to with my grey. I found it really interesting that there is a site all about African Greys and that is why i decided to join. Ever since I joined I come on here just about everyday and read other peoples stories about their grey. I also love looking at new pictures and videos of everyones grey and of course I like to show off my baby too. Everyone is so nice here!

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luvparrots, you could ask this question on july 1st and i'd be happy to answer it with no thought to the holiday or the new year! SO here goes.


i never had a birdy before merlin came home to me. i have cats and dogs. but my heart is in animal rescue, and i got turned on to birds over the years and was encouraged to consider a rescue bird.


well conventional wisdom being what it is, one would not think a person with no bird experience whatsoever should take on an african grey, let alone a rescue bird with who-knows-what to contend with!


but here i came in blundering about like a friendly labrador, and was welcomed with open arms (or wings if you will) and given care-ful advice and a warm welcome.


now i am very very familiar (sorry to say) with the snapping and the snarling that can take place in animal rescue and so i latched on to this site with a white-knuckled grip knowing i had found The Site from which i would learn what i needed to in order for merlin to blossom into the fabulous fellow he is and will be.


and i stay here because as i learn and grow my knowledge, there is a place for me to offer what i have to give on the path along the way.


so a blessed solstice, and a healthy & properous new year to all!<br><br>Post edited by: sandra902, at: 2008/12/30 05:03

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  • 6 months later...
  • 10 months later...

I joined the forum to learn more about Grey's when i had picked my baby out of a clutch from my breeder and was waiting to bring him home :) I have learned so much from this forum. I have tried other forums but nothing compares to grey forum ;) Thanks everyone!! xxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great thread! I joined because I've never interacted with a bird before, and suddenly I've adopted a 14-year-old problem child from a friend. I've rehabbed all my pets, I'm a very strict one for only adopting animals that need help. But dogs and cats are relatively easy (okay, if you'd asked me that while I was trying to find the one and only food that kept my cat alive and well, or trying to teach an adult wild pitt bull not to eat the other animals, I'd have said different) and birds...ah, Francis tries to tell me things and I don't understand them. I need bird people for that.


Every adoption is a challenge, and every challenge ends up giving us a loving, grateful, and happy pet. I'm still at the challenge phase with Francis, but things will fall into place and I know this forum will be a big support for me.

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I joined this forum when we got our sweet baby Moussa, and I realized that a grey was a very different kind of bird to keep and I could use all the advice and information from other grey caretakers that I could get. I have already benefited greatly from your collective wisdom.


Also, it's nice to interact with other parrot people where we can talk about our birds incessantly .. lol! (The world-at-large just doesn't seem to understand.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all! I joined because I had just gotten my CAG and needed some help. If it weren't for you all, I might have gotten rid of him right away because I had no idea how hard it is to gain the confidence of a parrot. Guess I should have done more research, eh? :rolleyes: Anyway - I'm glad I found you guys - I am making new friends and finding so much info on helping my CAG adapt and for me to calm the H**l down! Lol

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i joined because after i got chloe i wanted to learn everything i could about greys so i could give her the best food and know how to work with her, and after being on here i have made several friends here to it is the best place i love it here.

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I had no resources for so long & a baby who needed so much more than average. Avian knowledge was 3 books at the library & those skinny things you found at the pet store.


My friends were great but they weren't parrot people. They knew we were both stark raving mad & did what they could to be supportive... from a distance. :)


This forum has grown into an incredible trust of knowledge & experience for any level of bird keeper. And it hasn't even begun to reach it's full potential.

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