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Do the holidays drive anyone else crazy?


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I don't mean the shopping, I mean the "well intentioned" relatives that won't listen when you tell them to leave your bird alone. For example, my mom is over, Finnigan is in the kitchen with us and will step up very nicely to new people. She generally is uncomfortable, but will do it and let them hold her and talk to her a minute. Well, she decided she had had enough step ups and flew up on top of the refridgerator. My mom chases her down to the fridge determined to get her to step up again. I tell mom, leave her be, she has had enough. Mom keeps putting her finger up closer and closer, and finally Finnigan gives her a bite. My mom says "she bit me, I can't believe she bit me". I was like, what in the world did you expect? I told her to leave her alone, she flew away, she backed up, she did everything she could do as politley as she could do it and you still persisted. If she was a cat, hissing at you, you would have stopped, or a dog growling. Jeeze, then you are pissed when she bites you? Maybe she is pissed that you couldn't take a hint. Of course, mom proceeds to lecture me on how I baby this animal if she was a dog she would have been immediatley corrected. I pointed out the fact that she is not a dog, but this didn't seem to hold water with mom. Does anyone else have "non-bird" people come to the house and then have to listen to a ration of crap about how crazy you are to actually own birds?

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Oh yes,I understand. Charlie my grey is not the most friendly of birds to everyone. My mum who is 82 decided against my advise to put a finger in his cage, she got bit, not bad but enough to give her a shock. I just said well I did tell you. Mum did relent and realised it was her fault but I now make sure The birds are well out of harms way if I have visitors who are not parrot savvy or wont do as I say and leave them alone.

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Good thread. :-)


I warn relatives and guests. After that, they are on their own. If they get bit, I laugh and say "Told You!!" :evil:


I also warn them that if they do not want buttons, sweatshirt zippers, pull strings etc. damaged, then do not egg Dayo on on to get on their arm or shoulder.....Do so at there own risk of an expensive shirt or garment getting damaged. :S

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I say the same things but, then when something happens, they are like, why would you have a pet like that? Of course, I could refer them to the thread here, something about all the reasons I love my grey! ;) But I still don't think they would get it. :ohmy: Oh, well, it is only a few that are hard headed, everyone else seems content with a few steps ups, verbal interaction and learning about the species. So, all in all, I suppose its a fine trade off.

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Aaaaah, yes! People need to realize that a bird basically has his beak to work with and really no other way to say, "Leave me alone!"

Except, of course to say, "Leave me alone" which they probably know would then cause a big fuss, and they certainly wouldn't be left alone...*sigh*

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People just DON'T listen when you ask at first nicely to please stay away from the bird, they seem to have this fixation to stick there fingers in the cage, then when they get bit they have a surprized look on there face. But go figure, how many people see a "wet paint" sign and just have to touch to see? "Thin ice" but have to put there foot on it to try, and the list goes on.

Human nature you just to love it, and have a few bandages around, for the ones that just don't listen.


Carolyn & Mika

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it's the same thing - i'm a waitress and i serve the entrees with a cloth napkin to protect my hands. i always tell the guest as they reach for the plate, "please do be careful, the plate is hot, i will land it for you." and they INEVITABLY have to touch the plate as soon as it is in front of them and express their surprise,discomfort and distress at the hot plate!


people people people...

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People that come to my house know better. I make it very clear that you must ask before picking any of my birds up and I make it clear which ones are likely to bite at that moment. You can tell by what kind of day they've had. If they pick up my birds without my permission, they're more likely to get bit by me before my birds.


Besides, with 3 macaws, 1 mini macaw, 1 AG and 1 Amazon, I can't take the chance. The bigger guys will do alot of damage.

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This is our first holiday with McKenzie, and we are having about 20 relatives over...so we shall see how people react to her.


My mom does the same thing that you're describing though. She wants McKenzie to step-up and McKenzie doesn't want to and is walking away. Mom continues to try to get her to step-up and I tell her to leave her alone. Kenzie then bites her and she yells, "No bite! You be a good girl!" Told ya so!

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Goralka08- I'd love to hear how McKenzie reacts to so many new people at your house for the holidays!:)


My mom loves Lacey but unfortunately tries to "force" a relationship with her. Lacey is somewhat cautious and prefers things (well okay, prefers EVERYTHING) on her terms. When my mom comes to visit she immediately goes over to Lacey and offers her finger. Lacey politely turns away. Then my mom will try to force her little foot onto her finger by grabbing it with her other hand! :angry: GRR! One of these days there's gonna be blood if she (my mom) doesn't learn. I have tried to explain to her that, in my view, she needs to back off and slowly and gently establish trust with Lacey, and when Lacey's ready...she'll come to her. Sometimes I'd like to force a little common sense on some people!;)

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Hey LaceyGrey - You Wrote "Sometimes I'd like to force a little common sense on some people!".


Oh, you don't need to. The first time Lacey grabs and bites a finger half way through. That person will learn a lesson they'll never forget!!! :pinch:


When common sense is lacking, pain is always a GreYt teacher. :evil:

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Well, I dont like the Holidays for all the chaos in general...crazy rat race of shopping, gatherings, ho ho ho, ha ha ha...Bah Humbug! :angry: It is insteresting how many non bird folks just dont seem to get these animals. I am not sure if its that they dont want to take the time to relate to them, or simply just dont understand them...Oh well...


Happy Holidays to all anyways!! :P<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/12/24 02:42

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