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Hi everybody!


I'm Jenny and I have a stinker TAG named Dexter. I have had Dex since he was 4 weeks old. He's now a goofy 5 month old who adds a lot of love to my life. I am determined to give him the best life possible, as he is such a light in mine. I enjoy searching through everyone's tips and experiences on here. I'm excited to find some more ways to enrich Dexter's life. I built him a PVC "tree" after looking at some pictures on here. It turned out great, and my crooked carpentering (this is a new word ;) ) only made it more fun to climb on. Hooray! Look forward to meeting you.




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Welcome Jenny and Dexter!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


It sounds like you are very determined to give Dexter and you the best life together possible, by searching out a community of people who know and care greatly for these intelligent sentient beings called Greys.


Your PVC stand sounds wonderful. When you get a chance, perhaps you could post a photo of it and some of your lovely Dexter also. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi Jenny & Dexter. Welcome to the forum. I can tell by your post you are just having a great time with Dexter. I love that name by the way, too.:) I can tell you have a great sense of humor too, I had to laugh when you talked about your "crooked carpentering". :laugh: I bet it's the best tree perch out there though and Dexter wouldn't trade it for the world. We would love to see some photos, of course and love to hear more about your adventures with Dexter.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/12/22 05:57

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Woopsies. That picture was just too cute. You had to see it twice! (I have no idea what I just did there...)

Here's another one of the turd. He just undid my bra straps and is now working on the zipper to my shorts. The dude is FRESH, I'm tellin ya!!!

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yea, that's probably why I liked it so much. It sounds so close my greys name.:) Perhaps he should have been called Casanova though since he is so good at bra straps and zippers:laugh: That was funny.


Those are great photos. I like Dexters nice dark color. I've had mine for about 7 months but I rehomed him and he is 12 years old. He has enriched my life so much and I'm sure Dexter will do the same for you. Thanks for sharing your pics. Your playstand is great. I haven't attempted to make one yet but eventually will:silly:

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Trust me guys, I am not "handy!" Hahaha... my husband is deployed to Iraq, so I had to figure out his power saw all by myself. I was scared sh*tless! I had on some huge goggles and I was shaking. The reason my tree is crooked is because I am horrible at measuring and lazy at math. I sort of eye-balled the whole thing. It's really easy once you get started. I'm lucky I still have fingers :P

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pugwash wrote:

Great to meet you, love your sense of humour..birdys a cutie

Hope you enjoy the forum and hope to hear more about you and yours soon


P.s cool another tattoo lover


Do you have any bird tats? What do you have? One of my tattoos is a dragon in flowers. I got it on my shoulder when I was 18. I really want to get a cover-up tattoo there, but I don't know what. It looks like an old sailor tattoo right now! All the African Grey tats I've seen are super cheesey. I was thinking about a flowery theme- I dunno. They are super expensive in Hawaii! I may wait until I get back to the mainland. Where do you live? Sheesh... too much coffee today. I'm rambling.

I just got back from the vet. Dex had a full work up. It set me back $300!!! I yi yi. They did a clamydia test and blood and poop and on and on... jeeze. My kids don't even get that much done to them at check-ups. The vet was super cute though, so I agreed to everything. Dr Dreamy. Go ahead Doc, bill me for whatever.

Hope your day is grey-t. I'll add to the cheesiness of you crazy bird peoples :P




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