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My Eddie again


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My daughter brought him upstairs to me while in bed this morning:laugh: he loved it and we had a nice cuddle.

He so funny,had a teenage strop yesterday:evil: but in better mood today.


He gets fresh or cooked food everyday.


How many of you cook prepare fresh food daily?

Eddie is spoilt rotten,hates his bathes,loves his cuddles,loves annoying us while trying to type on the computer.

Is really attracted to mobile phones.Not good:angry:


Still hates my husband :laugh: :laugh:


But we love him loads :kiss: :kiss:


Should have got a CAG sooner

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Yes my greys should have a menu:laugh:


They get fresh fruit every morning then cooked veggies in the evening! They are better fed than us!


Mobile phones and laptops are a favourite with mine too!

I am missing about 14 keys from the lap top now! They are just to quick!


Eddie sounds such a snugglebug, enjoy the cuddles;)

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This reminds me of Poco, our beloved SIE. My wheelchair has rubbery buttons on the control. Well, I guess these buttons were evil, too, because she ripped two or three of them right off! We had to use packing tape to put them back on :laugh:


I know this wasn't a Grey story, but I just had to tell it!




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Bella eats fresh and has pellets if she wants them, usually she doesn't though. On Sundays I make her fruit salad for the week. I also prepare oatmeal, grits, lentils, or pinto beans - but that stuff into bowls and save it in the fridge to reheat in the morning which she gets with her fruit salad before I go to work. One thing she really enjoys too i vegie pasta (pasta with various crunchy vegies) and tofu meat loaf.


:)<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/12/20 15:51

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