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I am so excited..I found Roswell's Mommy..She came to get her last night...LOL...HIS (Roswell's) name is Cuzco...His owner said he now has a middle name AKA Cuzco Roswell (last name)...I am happy and a bit sad all at the same time..I had come to love the little guy..but I am so happy she has him back..there were two little girls a cat and a pug dog waiting for him to return...not to mention a Daddy (rival)...so I feel as though it was all worth it...she is (his mom) smart and educated about Greys and she has babied and fed and loved him from the beginning he much waited for personality in her life (she got him for her birthday)..I feel totally confident his life will be wonderful and I am so glad to have been a part of it and to have been able to hand him back to a woman who had cried for him and almost lost hope was more than my heart could contain....Today I am spilling over with blessings...Thanks to everyone here for the help and support you have provided….


Adopt Spay Neuter Rescue Recycle Reuse Renew...RESPONSIBILITY

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Adhaincroi, bless your heart, you did it. You didn't give up. Your wonderful and kind heart will be rewarded a thousand fold. Perhaps you will find a grey of your own now???? You would make a wonderful grey mommy. Thank you for this update and this bittersweet ending. You are a member of the family now, please remain in touch!! Janet

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Thanks I will...I still have short bus bird lol (Red Lored Amazon another RESCUE)...Mr Tiki sat with me last night for a long time...she was yawning his little green head off and he still wouldn't go back to his cage to roost...but his fluffy little head was well scritched and his company was much appreciated...I have to also give a nod to 911Parrotalert.com ....Miss Donna who runs it loaned me a big cage she has a huge heart for rescue and she is mom to I think 3 greys..so she helped a lot also...she does a great job with her website...I told Cuzcos Mom...I was not alone in this journey...and she was grateful that so many people tried to help me...just so you all know...Hugs L

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I am so glad to hear the grey's owner has been found and he is back home but it is so sad for you as you came to love this grey but maybe you can get one of your own now. You have been so wonderful to give this bird a home and did all you could to find his owner, you do good work and are truly blessed.


I hope this doesn't mean you won't come back here to our forum for you are welcome to stay, no grey required.

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Thanks I will definately stay around...I do have a certain amount of standard bird knowledge that may be useful to some even if its not bird specific..as for another Large bird in my life Mr Tiki is really enough for me...when I wished for a parrot in my early life I always wanted a grey..or a macaw lol...when My Red Lored came to my life he had been very badly un-cared (understatement) for and a lot of behavioral issues...its been along road back for him and me..he actually preens now and grinds his beak when hes happy...I came to accept that God meant for me to have him and he I...I had a lovely chance to enjoy a grey with Ms Roswell (Cuzco)..and that was very enjoyable...but unless another rescue comes my way I cant see myself going out and getting one...God knows I will take in the weak and the abused and the needy...so I am sure in time someone will need my help...until then I am a Red Lored Parent lol...with Grey leanings...and some useful knowledge I am willing to share...I have made friends here and I will always peek in at you...Hugs to all L

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LOST CAG --- I swear I am quite literally going to DIE...After having rescued and cared for her for 3 months and moved hell and highwater to find her owner ..Roswell left my home Wednesday evening at 7.30pm...I find out today that she was lost AGAIN on Thursday morning at 8am...not even 12 hours did they have her...I am killing myself for being so stupid and trusting...now my baby is lost somewhere in Baton Rouge..because these people are MORONS...even after a very long very involved discussion on Wednesday before they took her home...about her being able to fly..and not being safe to be outside on a perch under the porch...or that if outside she must be in a cage to make sure she was secure...The Idiots tried to transfer her from her cage (which was outside on the Porch) to a bird box after not handling her for 3 months (she was with me)and HUGE SUPRISE DUH!!!! she flew away...I am so ANGRY...words cannot possibly convey how angry I am...after several hours in tears and 5 hours searching the area where she was encouraged to become LOST..I cannot find her and I am so livid furious...I don't know what to do but to ask anyone and everyone who may be in my area Baton Rouge Louisiana...Please look out for her...lost in the Goodwood area 3-5-09 early morning...if you find her please contact me 225-927-2021...thanks loads Leanne

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Leanne, my mind is boggled by this horrendous and unforgivable outcome. If these imbeciles didn't want Roswell back why didn't they just leave him with you. I am totally dumbfounded and my head just hurts from the thought of what has happened. I would put posters up in the area and put an ad in the newspaper and if you are contacted about Roswell, I would thank God and give him the loving home he deserves. I'm sorry but these people do not deserve a second thought. I pray Roswell will find his way back home to you.... I pray so.

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OMG Leanne, I am sorry this has happened and I wish you had not found the owner now, you must be devastated and so angry too. I would want to rip them a new crack if you get my drift.


How can people be so stupid. I hope you are able to find him again and if that comes to pass please hold on to him with dear life, those people don't deserve another chance.


My heart goes out to you Leanne and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that he comes into your life once again.


MAD, I am so mad:angry:

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I am out at first light tomorrow morning to try an find her..she is listed on craigs and 911 parrot alert..Miss Donna had a cow...these people did want her back that was the point..I knew they were having repairs done on their house and I had already offered to keep her with me until they were back in their house..thinking that it would be a squeeze to have her and the cage etc at the apartment..they said it would fine no problem..then they took her back to a house they are not occupying as that's where her cage was ...then they went to the apartment they are occupying to sleep leaving her outside on the porch overnight..(I didnt know this was her intent before she left)...the next day a friend of theirs came to take Roswell to stay with the owners mother until the house was finished and they moved back in...and her owner tried to transfer her to a bird box while the cage was still outside on the porch...so quite obviously all the talking and advice and warnings and reiteration that she had had a one in a million blessing to have got her bird back alive...I MUST HAVE BEEN TALKING TO MYSELF...because it obviously didn't actually make it to the brain parts...some people don't deserve such a blessing as a bird in their lives..today I searched the neighborhood and drove up their exclusive little street/enclave...these people are not lacking money that's for certain...it made me think that they may have the attitude that everything comes easy and goes easy...and I am kicking myself for having been so trusting...suffice it to say if I find her first they will never know...and If I find and advert I will claim her as I know her band number and hopefully that will be enough to prove ownership..and she wont be going back to them...they had their second chance and peed it up the wall

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Was out for 5 hours this morning...no sign of the supposed actual owner...2 of her friends were out looking with me..if they said there's a reward once they said it a hundred times..i dont think I managed to conivince them that I would just blithely hand the bird over..hell yea there's a reward if I get Roswell back ...its called ROSWELL...what on earth they think money has to do with it I don't know...anyway trawled the neighbor hood NO SIGN the little Dickins is hiding out on me...so I will go back this dust time and again at dawn Sunday same as today

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bless your heart mvn24h.gif Roswell is a tough cookie (and may well be waiting on the 'friends' to go home). Don't beat yourself up - there's no way to have known this would happen.


keeping you both in my prayers (and hoping you find her first)<br><br>Post edited by: pynkzephyr, at: 2009/03/07 23:23

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I am about 5 miles..but to be honest I am not sure if she could find me...she wasnt outside more than a couple of times and even then in her cage...I found her in the same neighbourhood where she is lost again NOW...so she may not know her way home...I am checking the garden just in case...I will maybe put her cage out with some food in it....but I dont hold out hope...scrubbing through the bushes and going door to door is most likely going to be my best hope which is what I am already doing..Monday I will phone all the vets..and then all the pet stores etc...I really know that it was a one in a million chance to have found her in the first place...and if I can get her back it will be nothing short of a miracle...but I am still praying for a miracle none the less

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she was just one street away...she was lost on Dec 8th in the afternoon...I rescued her Dec 9th about 2pm...she was 100yards from her home...this time she went the other direction..when she flew she went left on the map instead of right...also they didn't tell me she was missing until late...she went missing 8am Thursday...I wasn't advised until 4pm Friday...other wise I may have been able to get to her quicker

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I really wish you all the best. I hope you will find Rosewell safe and sound.. some people really do not deserve birds

I wish I lived closer to you so that I can help in the search...but my thoughts are with you...



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