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I am not sure if this is the place to post this..I live in Baton Rouge and I have a Red Lored Amazon...due to my connection with a big bird..I was called to rescue an African Grey the other day from a tree...suffice it to say he is well handled and someone is probs going mental trying to find him...so PLEASE if you hear of anyone having lost what I think is a Congo...he is banded and will be returned to his family if someone can come forward with the his band number and or some specifics about his words and habits..I would dearly love to get him home for Christmas..I have posted in a lot of places including 911parrot...here was just a great place to make the community and possibly his family aware he is with me...Thanks Leanne

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Hi Leanne, that is so nice you took him in and are keeping him safe while trying to find his owners. A few other good places to get the word out is local vets, pet stores and humane/animal rescues. Also you can post free ads on www.craigslist.com www.oodle.com & www.kijiji.com They are nationwide and have special sections for birds, usually for sale but lost ones are put up there, too. All you have to do it put it in your local area/big city. Good luck finding the owners. I'm sure they are worried sick. If not, it sounds like you have a nice grey there and you can join us here on the forum:)


We took in a lost conure last Augest and put ads up all over online, contacted several vets & pet stores and drove neighborhoods but no one came forward. This little guy was super tame too and I felt so bad for who ever lost him:( as I'm sure he was their pride and joy. So he is still with us. :)<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/12/17 00:15

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Thank you so much for taking in and taking the time to rescue this little guy. I hope take you will be able to re-unite him with his family I am sure they are worried sick.

Please let us know what is happening we will all be keeping our fingers crossed.


Carolyn & Mika

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Leanne have you taken him to a vet or humane society to see if he is micro-chipped? I assume flyers were posted in and around the area where the grey was found. Other than what others have already said, you have a huge heart to try and help this grey find its way home. Good luck to you and "Lil Wanderer," I pray he finds his way to a loving home.

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He or she we are calling him Roswell at the moment because I kept referring to him as "the Grey" lol since my actual bird Mr Tiki (aka Devil Bird rescue Parrot) is Green..my husband a huge Sci fi Geek says that aliens are nicknamed "Greys" and where do Aliens come for well "Roswell" of course...anyway Roswell has an appointment with my regular Avian Vet on Friday that was earliest I could do it (hes been with us since last Tuesday) as I was working this weekend..to see if he is A. ok and if he is B. microchipped I am more concerned that hes ok right now..he shivers more than Tiki and he makes little what I think might be the clucky Chick noises but I am not sure so best to check..also his vent looks a little pink but that could be too many coloured kibbles..he appears to have been seed raised ARRGGGH but hes trying the kibbles and the beak appetite lol Mr Tiki wont eat the beak appetite...poor Roswell is Quarantined away from Mr Tiki and thus away from the hub of the house so he may be a little lonesome but I am spending time trying to make friends and getting pecked..I had finally got past the pecking and biting with Mr Tiki after 4 years of Band Aids..and now we are back to that again...I think hes testing me to see who's going to be head bird lol...anyway the clucky chick noises are not like Mr Tiki's..but then Mr Tiki was so badly traumatized I am not sure he does any normal bird noises...Roswell is also all lovey one minute and then biting the next maybe overstimulated or too excited I dont know much about the nature of greys he holds himself differently than Tiki and his body language is not a clear but thats probs practice on my part...does anyone know anything about leg bands..this one has 2 letters and 3 numbers...the 2 letters look like LH but I think it might be LA for Louisiana only they are worn possibly more letters or numbers have worn off...whats the norm for leg bands anyone??...am slowly listing him everywhere I go craigs list the vets the stores the online lost and founds here lol...911 parrot ..another couple of parrot places that only list lost and found..I have spoken to several people already who would like to rehome him..I am not sure I have energy enough to give 100% to two high maintenance birds..especially since Mr Tiki is still not 100% not that he may ever be...but meanwhile Roswell is with me and safe...here's hoping his owners had him chipped..how many of you are sole seed feeders..I was told seed was like candy to them..anyways enough rambling thanks for all your help and input..Leanne

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If he is banded the ban probably has the "code for the breeder" and the numbers are month and year of hatch. Have you tried the internet for information on how to locate a lost grey through its band. Some breeders band their chicks at hatch with permanent bands and then if a grey is found they can be tracked to the breeder who can than track to whom they first sold the grey. I read this somewhere on the internet when I was first looking for a grey. Anyway good luck on you quest. I hope the avian vet can help. It would be great of the grey were chipped!!

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Thanks for posting this here Leanne and also everywhere else you can think of. I do hope "Roswell" does get reunited with his owner who must be worried sick. If his owner is sharp enough, they have probably called all the vets, humane society, animal control etc. in the area I would think and have them on the look out for an African Grey.


Your right in saying Greys are different. They are very cautious for the most part to anything new.


Hopefully the vet visit will turn up the owner or one of the websites you have posted on. :-)


Please do keep us posted on this.

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Well I did have a lady come to see me last night...she didn't know any band numbers but she was genuine and told me some of the calls and things that her bird does...so I will be listening to see if I can hear any of them..."Roswell" did not look impressed and in fact stood on top of the cage as close to me as she could get..considering all she has done is test bite quite hard me since last Tuesday that was comical...she didn't do anything that indicated she was their bird...she bit the lady several times and they said they thought if it was theirs she would have known them...Their bird has been out 4 months in that much time I realize the natural survival instincts would be strong and Roswell may have forgotten a lot of stuff and may be be in shock also...their bird had been with them ten years...but my bird still remembers Ms Jean (she raised him from an egg)...he doesn't want to go back to that life..and wont go to her but he greets her quite nicely when he sees her...he goes crazy with joy when he sees my mom who comes from the UK about every 2 years..so even with a bad shock surely the bird should remember them if they were the right people...what does everyone think?...the lady is looking to see if she can find any papers on Roswell with the band numbers...but this lady said she took her bird untethered with her all over the place...the yard the car etc...and they fed it mostly seed and she said it loved french fries and coke...they did so many things wrong...I am almost loathe to give it back if its theirs lol..that's bad

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You are really in a catch 22 position, I can see where you are coming from. You might have to go to your local animal shelter and get some advice on how and where to go from here. The responcibility is on this women to PROVE the ownership of this bird before you should return it to her. I would also maybe seek some legal advise as how they feel, if this women was to push the issue.

I guess only you can figure out how far you might want to take this, but usually going with a gut feeling is your first clue.


Best of luck to both of you


Carolyn & Mika

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The lady isn't convinced its her bird and is not pushing me to return it...Thankfully..she is looking for her paperwork to put her own mind at rest more than anything...she wasn't impressed with Roswell's biting at all...she said her bird had never bitten her ever...I guess I find that hard to believe as my first large bird was Mr Tiki and he had not been handled except in a scary way to the vet toweled badly etc...so every time I even looked at him he lunged..I should have bought stock in Band aids it would have saved me money the first 2 years...I am just asking really if a bird who has been through trauma can just completely forget ten years of their lives..your larger Parrots average the basic human age and intelligence of a 1 to 3 year old depending on Species...surely they can contain some vestige of a ten year relationship even if they were completely feral...

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She actually wasn't convinced it was her bird..she said she was not sure as her bird would have responded differently...but they are trying to find the band number just to rule it out...I phoned a AG breeder today and she said it was really hard to trace a band number

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Thank you, I am sooo relieved!!


Now that you are part of our family here, when you get time, we would love to see a picture of Mr. Tiki and hear more about him and your story!


Karma for you and all you are doing for this rescued grey. :)


I am also curious, how did you manage to capture it from the tree. It's a difficult task getting a bird down out of a tree!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the encouragement...I worked in animal rescue for a while when I came to Baton Rouge...but I don't have the time I used to any more so I cannot...my mother maintains I have been in animal rescue my whole life as for birds she says I could be walking under a tree put my hand out to see if there will be rain and a baby bird will fall into it...I know for a fact any where I go at any time I can see a lost soul...seems I usually have a house guest I am trying to find the parents of...but this bird was the first large parrot I had to go and get...of course my antics are legend lol among my friends and all of them have heard numerous stories about Mr Tiki the devil bird as he was billed by prior owners (I say owners not parents or family) any way watching me for a couple of years with band aids on every finger while I tried to tame him has convinced my friends that I am a nutter...On Dec 9th 2008 I get an email from a friend who works at the library attached is another email from a friend and co-worker...who had a large grey bird at waist height in a olive tree in her front garden she was afraid of trying to handle it but was pretty sure it was not a wild bird...could someone come to the rescue PLEASE...so off I go with my bird box towel and a pocket full of peanuts...Mr Tiki goes mental for a peanut and will do all kinds of things he wouldn't otherwise entertain...so I was hopeful...when I got there I looked all over but Roswell was well camouflaged...luckily the ladies husband came home about that time and pointed to the tree in question...where a rather large sullen looking Grey clung to a branch well above my shoulder...its almost always hot here in Louisiana but it had rained and she was wet...and it was about to go cold that night so the temp was already changing and I am sure she could feel it ....I walked nonchalantly up to the tree and looked up and said in a sing song voice..."what are you doing"...and she cocked her eye at me...so I pulled a peanut (in the shell) out of my pocket and showed it to her she looked a little excited...so with my other hand I grabbed the flexible tree branch and slowly brought her down to my level still above my head but I could reach her...held out the peanut and said "mamas got a peanut" "good girl" "step up"...to my amazement she did...when I lowered my hand she went to my shoulder...so I just got in my car..and after a bit of finagling managed to get her towelled and into the carrier..actually I was not bitten until later in the day well after she had a full belly lol...I swear God sends me all these animals and on occasion I whinge at him for making my life more complex than it needs to be...but he doesn't listen...lol..I am sorry it was not a more dramatic and detailed rescue but there is a reason why I swear God does it...I am not really that religious...but when ever I go to get an animal sometimes even after others have tried..they literally just come to me...maybe I smell good

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I have a lead...I spoke to a store owner today who hand feeds hatch lings for sale and I asked him if he knew any breeders in Louisiana that had LH in their band numbers...he did...I just spoke to a Mr Hebert...who says the band number is his and that Roswell was hatched 5-20-2007...and that he sold him to the owner of the store who I had spoken to earlier...the store owner found a number one digit off from Roswell's...but not the exact number...so I phoned the store owner back and told him all the details Mr Hebert gave me and the store owner is now rechecking...he says he may have given him to another person at a bird fair who will have had fed him to sell as a pet...its amazing to me how many hands these little guys go through before they find a forever home...and terrible really...but in this case a lead is a lead...even if In a sad case I never find Roswell's true first family...I will know where she came from and exactly how old she is...wow she was 1yr Seven months on the 20th of December...I found her on the 9th of December...poor love she barely got settled it seems before she escaped....its been a busy year or so for her...any tips on if she needs special treatment being so young...I don't want her to be missing some food or developmental things I should be doing that she may need...even if I cant find her people for now she is my responsibility...

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