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Cold weather conditions


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I was wondering what is the minimum temperature that my TAG can tolerate ...


I live in Jordan/ME, and in this time of the year we have a really really cold weather, temperature can go down at nigh to 0 C, though the heat is on throughout the day yet when we turn it off at night then my house can be a very one cold place ...

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I just came right up against this in Portsmouth, NH. We had an ice storm that knocked out power last week (many folks are still not back on yet), and after 37 hours with no furnace it was 50° in my house. I was worried about my TAG and my severe macaw, although they were acting completely normal, so I called the vet. She actually said she would start worrying if it got down to 30° (!!!), but if they were acting normal they were probably fine. Fortunately for me, my power came back on about two hours later, so I didn't have to really test her theory. 30° was a much lower number than I would have guessed - I think even with her advice I would've been finagling a temporary stay in a place with heat if it had gone down to 40° in my house. Anyway, it was comforting to me to have checked with an avian vet in the circumstances.

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That was a great question and something I am always concerned about to. And Thanks LindaMary for checking with the vet. I didn't realize they'd be okay in that cold of temps but it is good to know and I feel better now. Last year we had a power outage due to an ice storm too but I didn't have my birds at that time. I've been worrying that something like this might happen this year too. I am relieved to know that they could probably tough it out with me if it should happen again (but I hope it doesn't :S :dry:

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That was a really great question and one that I have thought about as I live in the country and we do have occasional power interruptions due to falling trees, wind, snow, ice or other disruptions.


I was not aware they could handle temperatures down around freezing but I would never allow that to happen if I can help it.


We do have a wood stove, a home made papa bear stove, we have 2 fireplaces and we have a building full of wood so that is our backup heat if the power goes off. What we do lack is a generator to run the well pump, fridge, freezer and hot water heater, those are the things you really miss when the power is off.

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We've already had one power outage this winter. I was worried so we got a room at the Holiday Inn but when we came back to get food and toys the power came back on (after 4 hours). So Gryph didn't actually get to hang there. They also didn't charge us which was nice! :)


I've thought about investing in those vent free gas logs as an alternate heat source, but then I worry about what the logs are made of or sprayed with.


I worry about a lot. Maybe I was a grey in a past life. ;)

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Dave007 wrote:

Oh yeah,Judy has almost all of it. A coon skin cap with bushy tail ,leather moccasins , a single shot buffalo/bear rifle and the picture is complete.



Funny Dave but I do have a full length red fox coat and hand warmer that would keep me warm, no moccasins just fuzzy boots but I have a variety of guns to choose from, heh heh heh.:whistle: ;):P

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Dave Ur 2 much !! WHat a joy to have U here. Anyhoooo back to the topic....umm umm <clears throat>..

My temp in the house doesnt pass 65.I have a cover for my fids and a heating perch for Alcazar since its a tad more chilly where hes at.

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