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Hi everyone,

I just joined this site the other day so I'm still learning how to do things around here. I wanted to introduce myself and my African Grey. I'm 20 years old, and I go to college. I am majoring in animal science so I can become a veterinarian. My mom got an African Grey about 2 years ago and I fell in love with this amazing bird. He is a 2 year old Congo African Grey named Slater. He is the coolest bird I have ever had. I also have a Senegal parrot named Kiwi, an Indian Ringneck named Woodi, and two cockatiels named Seven and Felix(who just laid two eggs the other day.) Slater is such a funny bird and he loves to mimic everything. He meows like a cat, barks like a dog, and even whines like my chihuahua when he wants to go out. He likes to mimic the telephone ringing, and he likes to call people. He will dial the numbers, and say "Hello Hello, ha ha ha, ok, ok, good bye, click." I recently just taught him how to sing the cops song "Bad bird, bad bird, bad bird, what you going do, what you going to do when I come for you." He says it very good, but sometimes he gets confused and doesn't say it in the right order. I even have it on video so if someone can help me upload videos then I will post the video on here. I have a lot of videos of him, I think it's so amazing how he can talk and mimic things so well. He even mimics the noise when I drop an ice cube in his water bowl. He loves ice cubes, and he loves to eat! He eats everything I eat. Ok well let me stop talking about my bird, because I can go on and on about him. :) So if anyone wants to teach me a couple things about this site it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks -Caitlin

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Hello Caitlin and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Slater.


They are amazing creatures aren't they and we all love ours to death, I could not imagine my life without my Josey, she is 2 1/2 years old.


So you are studying to be a veterinarian, how about specializing and become an avian vet as we could always use more of them.


I know you are a busy girl, going to college and taking care of animals but our pets do make our lives so much more complete and I think we are happier individuals to have them in our life.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


No to make it complete if you would share some pictures of Slater with us we would love to see him.

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Hey, Caitlin welcome to you and Slater. From your Avatar Slater is a fine looking Congo. There are threads on posting pictures and such in the forum rooms, just look at the top of the page, tons of info there. Once you get in all figured out we would luv to see more pictures of Slater and the other FIDs you have. Glad you decided to join our family!!!:silly:

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Hello Caitlin, Slater and the rest of the flock. Welcome the family. It sounds like you have a great love of animals. I can see why you got so attached to Slater though. Greys are so amazing and so smart. Congradulations on going to school to become a vet. Perhaps you can help us here later on:laugh: Are you also going to study avian vet practices?


This is a great place to be and if you do have any questions about your grey or other birds there are many knowledgable members here to help but I have the feeling you are quite knowledgable yourself and might be able to help us out too:laugh:


Its a great place to just share grey stories, too. We all love to talk about our greys here. Hope to hear more from you soon.


Please be sure to check out our other rooms here too.

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Welcome Caitlin and Slater!


Your CAG looks beautiful!


Ah the life of a college student...it's fun yet torturing at the same time! I love animals, but I don't think I could ever become a vet because I cry when I see animals in pain and especially when the good ones get put to sleep for no reason, other than nobody will adopt them. :'(


Happy Holidays!

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