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ChetWwomack (bird tricks.com)


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has anyone ever heard of Chet and Dave Womack? I have one of his Taming Training and Tricks Cd and audios. But I'm not having much success with it. I think mainly it's because I haven't had a real chance to put it to good use. But he also has an audio collection on how to work with birds with behavioral problems. I wanted you guys input on this if you have ever heard of him or if you have used his info.


Thanks Marla

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Hi Maria yeah i got that to and thought it was very amateurist it didnt learn me anything that i didnt know allready plus i get bombarded with Emails wanting me to purchase other things they have this is my opinion it may work for other people but out of ten its a 2 from me:(

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I got the emails, too, Got them so regular I unsubscribed too. Another member said they tried them but their grey didn't act like the bird in the video...like the bird in the video was responding and paying attention but in real life our birds don't always do that;) I have never tried any videos myself. I'm not against them but have never heard any success stories. If I knew they worked I would get them and try.

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I got them right after we got Goerge. It sounded like what i needed. But for me nothing has worked. I have target trained him just by tapping my finger nail on the cage where ever I want him to go. But still to this day can't get george to step up on a perch stick for nothing. I come at him with it below him and he climbs as faw away as he can get until I put it down then he will come back to me. But one day. All you guys will know when he does cause I'm gonna squeal like a pig. I won't need the internet everone will hear me fine. LOL

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I purchased their stuff over 3 years ago after I purchased/rescued a wild conure off a guy that claimed he was "Gentle" and well trained and just reacted as he did because I was a stranger...the guy used gloves to snap him out of the hamster size cage he had sitting out side on a shelf nailed to a 6 foot fence.


Anyway, once I received the video, written stuff and all the other garbage they send which included some crappy pellets they subscribe you to monthly, which you have to call and cancel or they will start billing you 29.99 a moth for them!!


Well, to say the least, they are two amateur kids trying to make a Dot Com Boom in the Parrot training market and have spread like a virus over the last 3 years. Their stick method is ridiculous and doesn't work. That macaw for example they used to "Tame" had been a family bird for years and was used to being handled by the family since a young chick. They claimed it had become "Cage Sour" and was wild....my A$$....


Anyway, a stick poking at them and coming in their proximity is seen as an evil weapon and they have no clue why you are using it other than for bad intentions. If a bird was hand trained and raised in a good environment from hatch day, they don't need a stick. They just need patience and time to decide your ok and they want to get to know you a little better by finally stepping up or taking treats from you hand.


Chet and his brother are bozos and dangerous. Have you watched his brother free flight train a grey? What a moron and almost lost his Grey..... Now he's an expert on the subject of course...HA!! Ask any free flight enthusiast and they will tell you it takes months working with you bird and a professional tat has years of experience in free flight training.


I have noticed over the years that they have started learning more about parrots and training, probably from GreYt websites like this one that is full of members that have experience and know what they are talking about, because they have lived it. :-)


Anyway, those are MY thoughts on the two kids trying to get rich.... :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/16 15:35

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See i knew I could count on you guys, before I spent more money on those CD/Audio cd's. I had recived another email (about 3 aday) that was for fixing bad behavior problems. But I think I'll pass on it and just keep getting advice from here. Which seem to be more helpful and FREE. Thanks everyone


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I'm glad that Dan posted about them. The only thing that Dan did that was wrong was that he held back on his descriptions of the Bozo Brothers. As far as the stick stuff, Dan is totally and completely correct and it's true. It's a terrible way to start off a relationship with new birds. As far as the macaw that Dan speaks of, that's totally true. What Dan didn't tell you was that there was more than just that macaw that was already trained. As far as the free flight thing that Dan talks about, well, so called free flight lessons shouldn't be included in any training material on the market even if it says not to *try it yourself*. Lets face facts..there's people out there that will try it no matter what the warning is. Dan is wrong about the 3 yr figure..it's been about 6 yrs that they haunted bird boards. How they pay for all that advertising on all sites beats me.

I wanna add something else that many people don't know about Chetsky...About 2 yrs ago on a well known board located in NY the subject of his disks came up in a few threads quite by accident. People started getting angry about the content in those disks. There was no positive feedback from the people involved in those threads. People simply got angrier and angrier.Now on that particular well known board, authors Maggie Wright and Bobbi Brinker periodically post replies in threads that are serious. Yes, they're giving out advice but at the end of their replies, there's always their official website at the bottom. Of course you know what that means. So anyway, considering what board it was, Chetsky felt that it was important that he come there and publically apologise to people who were unhappy and insulted by his stuff. He then told the people that a few years back when he first started the material in his disks, he wasn't as knowledgable back then but had improved over time. This didn't satisfy people at all. As a matter of fact, it pissed them off even more.

One other thing about Chetsky is that many unknowing people have purchased his material and a big complaint from these people was that they never received the disks after paying for them by credit card. People started asking each other whether they had also run into this problem. About 25% of people said yes. Others said that the material arrived 2 to 3 mts later. So basically, he's full of shit. I sometimes tell people to use a stick but only for the bird that is terrified of the human hand and only when it has to do with stepping up and only when the bird is on the floor learning how to step up. Gradually, the bird shows less fear of the hand and gets closer to the fingers. Recently, I showed Dan those sticks. In order to give him an idea of how small they were I put a pack of cigarettes in between the 2 sticks. I was telling him to use a stick but it had nothing to do with any training whatsoever. It was just a little aid that might help him do something more quickly.


BUT, now I'm stuck with a big problem.

I'm gonna have to teach Dan how to use more blunt down home street words when giving out descriptions of these kinds of things

I'll be making a disk of my lessons and it'll be on the market soon and it'll be on sale for only $19.95 and I'm including the statement that the disk will be sent out within 2 business days.


PS--Back then, Chetsky didn't have a picture of any bird on his shoulder. He decided to modernize.


PS--another thing about that SOB. If a person clicks on the website, reads it and decides to close the page out, it won't leave the screen so the only way to stop that is to go offline and then get online. His page will be gone.


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/16 19:39<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/16 19:44

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I've actually read that thread that Dave is talking about where Chet apologized and explained that at the time he didn't know what he knows now about bird training, which in my opinion isn't much. His marketing had always screamed SCAM to me and that thread really confirmed my suspicions. If I remember correctly, his early training included brilliant concepts, such as withholding food from your bird in order to encourage them to learn tricks using treats.

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Well Kaedyn


I'm glad that someone else knows about that apology. I had a feeling that people here wouldn't actually believe what I said and yes, I also remember that stuff about withholding food. Let me tell you something, I was pissed off big time and the other people were actually thinking about bringing him up on fraud charges. Thanks for your post.

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mmm. I wouldn't be so harsh on them. Yes, they're a business, but, if you watch their vids, they seem to have a knack. And stick training is only a small part of it. Seems to me that, to make their stuff work, you need many hours a day, and total consistency, which I don't think many of us can afford. They make it work because it's their job and they can dedicate to it their full-time attention.

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I'm a lucky one. I don't work thanks to my husband. When I first got the videos I followed it to a T. But I still can't get George to step up. If I put a stick in his cage he heads as far away as he can possible get, and has fallen trying to get away from it. Our problem is that we can't get him out of his cage. To be able to work with him. So I just continue to be paitent and stuff. I work with george alot everyday. Somedays I see improvement, and others I don't. I don't know if what I'm doing is right good or indifferent. He has always taken treats from me and will come anywhere in the cage that i'm standing next to. So I know he wants the attention.

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mmmm. I wouldn't be so harsh on them. Yes, they're a business, but, if you watch their videos, they do seem to have a knack. And stick training is only a small part of it. The idea of "positive reinforcement" for instance, I think would definitely be worth exploring, if time allowed. The point is, their stuff works if you can devote to it about eight hours a day and total consistency. Most of us can't afford that kind of dedication, and so it doesn't work for us. It does for them because it's their job, 9 to 5. It has to work!

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mattpatresi wrote:

mmm. I wouldn't be so harsh on them.


Matt - R U kidding me? When I buy something from a "Professional", I expect them to be a "Guru" at what they are trying to help someone with that wants expert advice to get through or past a behaviour. These clowns, when I purchased it, didn't know as much as I did. But, I didn't realize that until I received the Hokey piece of Sh!t DVD. They are just getting what they deserve, namely BAD PRESS from a community of members that know far more than Chet and his Brother do and WE PROVIDE IT FOR FREE!! Sorry, not yelling at you, just emphasizing the free part. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/16 21:06

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