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I Missed My Josey


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I'm glad you had a wonderful vacation with your children and grandchildren. I can just imagine how much you missed your baby's It would be almost unbearable I would think.

I'm so glad that they where happy to see you and Joesy wasn't mad at you for leaving her. I don't think Tyco would have been quite so forgiving. She was mad at me for 2 days just because I took her to the vet.

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What a great post Judy. Me and my family are going to the exact same place for 7 days here over xmas to new yrs. This is the first time we are leaving are fid Rexxy (7mth) and my Sadie (almost 3). I am so nervous to leave them and glad to read yours were happy you are home and you had a great time.


I am more nervous going on a vacation the first (maybe last) time in a wheelchair. It was the last thing we were saving for for my daughter. So for xmas she asked to go, cuz she knows I might become bedreden next year. She is 9 and I could not resist her face.



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