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Romo update


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Between life, work, and a broken computer, I haven't been on the forums in months, but thought I'd post an update on our TAG, Romo. He is 18 months old now and is such a joy in our lives! Romo started talking recently and says:

Go Cowboys!


Pretty Bird

Baby Bird

Bubba Bird

I Love You

Good morning

He also makes a ton of noises, dog barking, whistles songs, and since he started talking, he is picking up a new word or sound every week.

But mostly he is still so affectionate, he loves to be petted and rubbed all over and is such a sweetie. He does have an occasional "bratty bird" day, but they are few and far between.

Since he is our first parrot, we really had no idea that he could be such an affectionate addition to our lives.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

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This is good to hear.Good job working on him.Quality time pays off.Isnt it great to hear all his words?I love it when Alcazar talks.Keep up the good work with him.Im jealous that Romo knows football words.I have been trying to teach Alcazar....Are You Ready For Some Football??!?? and DaBears ever since football season and all he does is shake hi head no.I think maybe he doesnt like football. :angry:

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