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Chicken Bones


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Here's a question I am wondering about. My 5 month old grey seems to LOVE chewing up chicken bones. She is eating some of the meat but most of it seems just for the joy of chewing it to bits, she does a fantastic job of it! Is this ok for her to do? She flew off her perch onto the floor in order to get to the table for some CHICKEN!!!! This is the 2nd time I've let her have it. She prefers the bones to the meat.

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Thank you. After I posted my question I saw that this site will direct you you to similar posts....very cool. I didn't think to search for it before I asked. It stands to reason that the marrow would be good for her, I guess thats why I let her choose the part she wanted. I'm glad to know this is a treat she can enjoy.

{Nature-0002009B}<br><br>Post edited by: Nikki, at: 2008/12/10 02:24

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Someone once told me to think of a parrot eating chicken as like a person eating cow: both mammals, but not closely related.


We're vegetarian, but if someone came over with a chicken bone I would a) think they're a little weird to carry a chicken bone around with them and b) see if Gryph likes to eat it. :)

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You have to remember that your bird is an animal all birds will eat other birds. Hawks aspececily would just love to get their talons on our pet birds its not canobolistic for our birds to eat chicken its not like their eating another one of their own species its a chicken not a Grey.

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Bella goes nuts over chicken bones! We usually get Peruvian Chicken and she can smell it when I get home I bet! She starts going crazy, dancing around, jabbering away, saying "LOOK LOOK LOOK!!!" Then when I give it to her she tears it out of my hand and runs off growling! She grinds the bones down to a fine meal which the dogs lap up, then she dips her beak into the bone and pulls out the marrow.

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