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How much time should you play with your Grey, and what kind of games do you play?

How much time should you teach your Grey, and ideas on what to teach them?

When I purchased my Grey, she knew her colors at 10 months of age - she'll pick out the color pen you ask for every time correctly. I keep repeating things like Hello, I love you, Good Morning and constantly play birdie cd's all day - but no words to date at weeks from her first birthday. She is v-e-r-y cuddly and lets you cover her whole back with your hand and pet her like a cat or dog, or even put her inside your coat and coo her. She's sweet, if she doesn't want to step up, she will bow down her head as if to say no I don't want to come out now.

I'm afraid she's getting maybe bored and want to create new games besides pecking things into pieces. Any ideas what games to play with her and how to encourage her to talk. She'll mimic whistles, but no words yet and have had her 5 weeks.




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Welcome Gini!!!


There is no set amount of time to play. Just make up games as you find she likes something, peekaboo, bat a ball with holes and a bell in it around, play catch and "Get Bad" with the ball. GIve her foraging toys that challenge her intellect to unlock to get the treat, there are several good ones out there.


In regards training, those sessions need to be short in length say 10 - 15 minutes max or when you note your grey is no longer interested. Remember, training is also a form or playing or entertainment for them. It should always be enjoyable and include rewards for their correct answer/behaviour.


Speech is another variable completely. They will talk when they want to, if they ever do. There is no guarantee on that. In a poll we conducted here several months ago, the average age was between 1 and 2 years old. You will know when she is practicing when you her muffled mumbling and one day hear it loud enough and clear enough to realize it is actually a word or short sentence.


ON the CD, I do not recommend those at all. Others here may disagree with me, but if they do happen to pick something up, it is just babble with no meaning and not related to anything in helping them and you communicate. Associate everything you do with a word or short sentence like food items you give them, especially they love like Apple, Grape or Nut. Every time you give them one or are getting some out of a package, say the word or maybe even a short sentence like "Want some Apple?". It is a natural trait they were born with to communicate with the flock, with yours being a human flock. They will use words to let you know what they want, if they find something funny they will laugh etc.


If you want to leave something on as just background noise to keep them feeling like they are not alone or isolated, turn on the TV or radio. That way they will at least hear and see changing items, not the same dribble from the same CD all the time which is probably like Chinese water torture to them. like a dripping faucet is too us at night trying to sleep. :-)


It's GreYt having you here. Please go to the Welcome Room and officially introduce yourself when you get a chance so others will know we have a new member :-)

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I usually can get in 2 hours playtime w/Alcazar and he gets 3 hours out of cage time a day now. When we play its Peek-a-boo.I tell him Im geoing to get his belly he comes then i go to touch and he moves away.We play Im going to get your beak.He puts his beak between the bars and he lets me grab it and give it a tiny shake. Of course the cuddle time.Hes gone back to cuddles which I missed.

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I talk to Klaus and still carry him around on my shoulder a little bit. Sometimes we "Rassle" - I put my hand on his back and say, "Wanna rassle?" and shake him around (very, very gently - I don't want to hurt him or give him a reason to bite me). He seems to enjoy that little bit of rough housing.

Your bird sounds like a sweetie!

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I sit on the floor with my birds and play roly poly with a ball Fergie Tyco and myself all play they will pass the ball to each other or to me its great fun they really seem to enjoy it. I have taught my Amazon to roll over like you would teach a puppy. She loves learning new things Tyco can recognize different colors and different letters and numbers I use childrens plastc number and letter shapes to teach her they are also different colors so she can learn colors with them also. all my bird learned to turn around and wave these where 2 things that they learned in a very short time. I have to agree that playing a tape to teach your bird to talk is really not the best way. I think that word assosation is the only way that your bird will actually learn to comunicate with you I talk to my birds as if they where children and I say what ever comes to mind if I'm giveing the something I always say what it is and I ask them if they like it or not. Talk to your bird as if you where teaching your child to talk he will soon learn and its nice when they can actually talk to you and comunicate different things. Like when I tell my birds that its time to get myself ready for work. Fergie will say no its not fair don't go. They are very smart and can learn allot from us if your willing to teach them.

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