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McKenzie Update...


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MCKENZIE IS HOME!!!! :woohoo:


We were in Cleveland, Ohio for 2 days this weekend to attend our last parrot education seminar and to meet McKenzie. From what we were told, there were 3 other families interested in her. We were told that we'd meet her and then they'd decide on what is best for her.


After meeting us (home interview in Michigan) and seeing us handle her today, they unexpectedly let us adopt her on the spot!! :silly: Luckily, we had already bought perches n toys and they gave us some food for the night.


We headed back to Michigan around 4PM and arrived home around 7:30PM.


We didn't want to stress her out after the long car ride, so we placed her in the cage and let her explore her new home.


For the little time that she's been in her cage, she's already saying stuff, but we can't understand what she is saying. Some sounds we've heard have been microwave beeping, clicking, kissing, and a cat hiss every now and then. We think she lived with a cat.


Her age is unknown.


Meet McKenzie!! :lol: More pics and updates will come!



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Oh Yeah, big applause and Congratulations on being chosen as the adopters of McKenzie!!


It certainly sounds as though all went well in the trip home and even in him settling into his new cage.


What a nice picture of that healthy looking Grey. Looking forward to hearing and seeing a lot more. :-)

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