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death of owner


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I do not no where you are from Davy, but there are many great Rescue Santuarys out there, in the event this should happen and a family member could not step in, you could consult with the vet the bird has been seen by and he/she might have ideas in your area, and be able to point you in the right direction.


A family member would be the best for the bird if it could be someone he no's and the person is willing to take on the responsibility, because depending on the age of this bird it will be a great loss for him/her and he/she will need a lot of attention to feel secure again with getting over it's loss.


Hope this helps, maybe you could give us soom more details and we could offer you more ideas.


Carolyn & Mika

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thanx for that my grey is called rosie she is 2 half years old im from northern ireland i am getting on in years and i was givin the bird as a gift which i have grown very fond of her and i woudnt like to see her ending up with a bad owner my family have children and they will not take the resposibility of the bird

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There are a lot of us out there that will face the same situation you are in, start talking to people now ask around for places that are near you home. We have members that are in Ireland that may no of places that would make you feel more at ease. Please talk to your Vet about how you feel, maybe ask around the local pet stores they may no of places in your area.


I have gone over this many times in my mind as well, and is something that every responsible owner should think about, because none of us are getting any younger. But that being said neither you nor I are going any where soon:laugh: but just go out there and get the information for many years down the line. It will put your mind at rest.


Carolyn & Mika

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Hello Davy,


What a good question and an important one at that. We always encourage everyone regardless of age to think about, what if something happens to me. No one ever knows.


The others have given great responses. A relative or friend that may already be familiar with your Grey and how to take care of it. Would be be the ideal choice over the last option of a rescue facility taking your grey in. Don't get me wrong, they do a wonderful thing and are good at what they do. I am just thinking of the easiest possible transition for your Grey. :-)

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Yes I have also made arrangements for Fergie and Tyco I'm still don't know about Gizmo yet but I'm sure I will by the time anything happens to me. He will go with my Youngest daughter she is only thirteen right now but when the time come she will be of age to take on the responsibility of a larger bird. My other 2 daughters are taking Fergie and Tyco

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I think this is something that is on alot of our minds. I hate to say it but I don't have any friends or family that I would feel comfortable passing my birds on to:( . I have been checking into bird santuaries here in the US. Somewhere where they can live out their lives and be happy and free to an extent without the risk of them being rehomed several times or risking them ending up in a bad neglectful home. I have 4 birds, only one AG, but 2 of them came from neglectful homes and I just want to make sure it doesn't happen to them again. It something we should all think about.


I do hope you become an active member on this site and we hear more from you. We are a friendly bunch and love to talk about our greys, share stories and even form friendships:)

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Being one of the older individuals owned by a grey I have thought about it a lot. I have no easy answer. but I think it is easier for the bird to be with family. Precious mourned when my husband died, even having me. We cannot underestimate what this means to our fids and I believe being prepared before is very important. Thank you.

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Well as I am in my mid 20's I have not had any thought as to where my CAGs will go should someething happen to me. I guess my husband would look after them but apart from that i havent given it much thought. I wouldnt want them rehomed again and again so I would look into a bird sanctuary where they could live out there lives happily.

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My birds have an appointed guardian in my will, she is someone i trust that knows the birds, each bird gets an allowance should something happen to me. This is enough for there guardian to find them new homes and pays for there care, vet bills and food for a year.


My boyfriend thinks im a little nuts, but at least i know they will be taken care of when im gone

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