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Hey there everyone,


My name is Brian, I am a new user to this forum. I recently came to be an owner of an African Grey. His name is Savage. He is adjusting rather well to his new enviroment, but hates taking a bath. He tends to let out this horrible screach anytime I try to get him wet.

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Hi Brian

Welcome to the forum. It is a wonderful place to ask all of your questions - really great and knowledgable people here. I have a grey also that hates to get wet, but I have a smaller cage that I put in my shower and he will set on the perch in there. Thats the only way I can give him a bath. But he will take a bath in his water dish, makes a real big mess - can take him straight to the shower and still wants nothing to do with it. Go Figure :lol:

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Hello Brian and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Savage.


Do we have to ask how he came to be named Savage? That is an interesting name for a grey.


Some greys do not enjoy baths and mine is no exception but they are necessary so hopefully yours will tolerate it as mine does.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Savage you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Hey there Judy,


I picked him up on a Sunday a few weeks ago. When I got him home he was perched on a chair while I assembled his cage. I had purchased a few toys, one being a stringer with some multi-colored planks of wood with beads separating the wood. He just attacked this thing...not in an aggressive way, but he did within the course of about 45 minutes reduce most of the toy into little shreds of wood. I was still unable to come to a name. Over the course of the first couple of days of him being in his new home, sometimes he was quite, but more often than not, he just made sounds like what I immagine a prehistoric terradactyl would make. Couple that with the many painfull bites to my fingers that it took to gain his trust, and so he became "Savage"!

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Welcome Brian and Savage!!


It's GreYt having you here. The name sounds fitting for the first few weeks you have had him :-).


Most do have a strong distaste for being showered or misted by their owners, but it is a must do. They will normally play in a water dish on their own accord where they have control over the situation.


The screaming you describe is what a Grey does when playing intensely and "Getting Bad" or they will also scream at an object or person that scares them.


How old is Savage? Did you bring him home from a breeder, pet store or did you adopt him from a shelter or person?


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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I actually got him from a pet store. But not a traditional pet store. I believe he may be about 7 months old. I could be wrong though. His eyes are still very grey, but not the dark grey associated with very young greys.


He has calmed down quite a bit, his scream is now reserved for when I attempt to bath him. More often than not, he now whistles, makes a knocking sound, and mimics pieces of conversation he has heard.


Photos are on the way!


One question though? He seems to love chicken bones...he shreds them and eats the marrow right out of them. Is this a good thing? Or should I refrain from giving him this treat?

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You might have to rethink the shoulder thing with this grey, some greys should not be on the shoulder for just that very reason. You might have to use the other hand to block him from going up there and just keep doing it until he finally learns he is not allowed there.


I do allow Josey to go up on my shoulder but then she can be trusted, she will come down when I ask and I am always conscious of her body language but if that trust ever comes down then she will not be allowed up there anymore.

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You may be right about that! I have only had him for about three weeks though. He had been up there many times, and for a long time that day.


So I got him to take a shower today. He didn't like that one bit. He didn't bite me, but the water wasn't so lucky. I was letting water run down my arm and off my hand onto him. But he made it through. However he is pissed right now, but clean!

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Savage will get over it as most do, Josey does not like baths either but she gets a shower twice a week or more, she tolerates it but she really doesn't get pissed off about it.


I think if you do not feel comfortable with him on your shoulder then you shouldn't allow it but it is your choice and that should be based on your own personal preference, but remember that he could deliver a scarring bite very easily.

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This is very true. He does have the power to break chicken bones open, he could surely take a piece of my ear. I am learning his body language. He is a lover sometimes, and other times he lets me know when he doesn't want to be handled.


You seem like you have a wealth of knowledge on owning a grey. The winter climate is pretty dry, do you use humidifiers to keep your birds climate more bearable?

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I do use humidifiers sometimes to keep the air more comfortable especially when it is colder and the heat is on more. The use of aloe vera juice spritzed on them also helps with the skin moisture and makes them feel more comfortable especially when molting.


I wouldn't consider myself an expert on greys, I do have one that is over 2 1/2 years old but I have broadened my knowledge by joining this forum and taking advice from other members who have had their greys for many more years than I have. We do have some members whose knowledge is vast on the grey and they willingly share what they know with the rest of us, we are so lucky to have them.

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Welcome Brian!


What a name for your baby! Savage! I hope your ear is still intact after that picture was taken for your avatar lol.


Why not try to mist Savage instead? My three prefer misting to having a shower!


Cant wait to hear more about you both and see some pictures when you get some.


Glad you could join us.



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Thank all of you for welcoming me. I have put up a few pictures of Savage. I will be taking some more very soon. I am trying to get some video of him while he is going through his list of different sounds, but every time I try to record him he stops. Ahh well. As he is coming out of his shell, he is becoming more and more vocal with each day. Every new day since I have had him has been different from the last.

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Hello and welcome to the forum. Savage is just gorgeous!!!


Yes, greys know when you hit the record button:laugh: Mine does the same thing. I try and capture his funny moments and as soon as I hit the record button he's quiet as a mouse and still as a rock:woohoo:


I've had my grey since July, he was 12 years old when I brought him home. I started out with a misting bottle and I'd spray it above him. I don't think he liked it much but after he got used to it I think he actually likes it now. It took several months but now take him to the shower with me and I don't think he likes or dislikes it. I think it's quite enjoyable for him but he won't tell me;) Greys are such funny creatures.


BTW, I like the name and it seems to fit him and his personality. Savage is a nice strong name, too. Mine love chicken bones, too:silly:<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/12/09 04:11

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