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Talon is damaged


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My CAG had an accident on T-day. Basically her talon got caught in a window and she got it bent. There is no other sign of trauma except this, angling of the talon ( no more than 10-15 degrees out of normal) It did bleed a little and I have been keeping her feet and area disinfected with hydrogen peroxide a couple of times per day. She is walking and climbing around as normal and doesn't exhibit any limping, or any reduced ranges of movement and motion.


My questions are.... is it best to leave the crooked talon alone? Will the talon grow back if it is damaged? Should I take her into a vet to get her talon clipped? If so how much would you think a vet visit like that would cost in an major American city?


Please understand that if i had the cash I would have immediately taken her to a vet just to be safe.


Thanks for any advice

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I would stop using the hydrogen peroxide. It would be toxic to her when she puts her talon in her beak, and she will when your not looking. If her talon is getting caught in things, or has the chance of that happening, you may need to go to the vet to get it clipped. But if it's not bothering her, and she is acting normal, I would just keep a close eye on her the next few days and see if there are any changes, swelling, bleeding, favoring it, things like that WILL require a vet asap.


All vets charge different amounts, so it is best to call and get advice and prices with an Avian vet. You should establish a relationship with an avian vet anyways just so in the event of an emergency, they will be more willing to help you quickly.

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If you have a good breeder or bird store (notice bird store, not oet store) they may have someone on staff that can help you for less than the cost of the vet, depending on the injury. When this is over and you have financially recouperated, you may look into pet insurance for your bird. VPI is the only company in the US that I have found to insure birds, I paid the premium up front, but you can make monthly payments and its pretty cheap. They cover all sorts of things and it is great to have for just this sort of emergency. You can check it out here if you are curious:



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THANKS TALON, for the "talon" advice. Initially I tried to do a search on the forums for this subject but your name came up instead. hehehe.


I do have a relation with a very good pet store "Your Basic Bird" in Berkeley, CA and the owner there is very experienced with clipping, so I'll give her a call.


Just have far back can you clip a CAG talon?


My worries are that I am being a "bad dad" for not taking her in to a vet, BUT the injury did not seem severe enough at the time :( (and it stills doesn't now)

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More than likely the vet will charge about $40 just to check the leg for any breaks or fractures. If he spots something an X ray will be required. The price for procedures is different from vet to vet.


""""She is walking and climbing around as normal and doesn't exhibit any limping, or any reduced ranges of movement and motion."""""


There are no breaks or fractures in that area. The claw is simply distended and eventually straightens itself after the minor trauma fades.

What you say above couldn't happen if there was a break or fracture. As was said, stop with the peroxide. The blood probably came from the base of the claw and that quickly congeals. Peroxide burns the flaps on a bird's foot.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/02 20:17

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