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Brainstorming names UPDATE!


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I went and saw my baby for the first time!

And I took pictures with my phone, because I went by myself. :whistle:


But anyways. He is sure adorable. Fully feathered and beautiful. He is a total of 1200$ and if I want to reserve him, I need to deposit 600$ otherwise he is might not be there after Christmas :S


My heart was pounding when I saw him all snuggled up with his sister. And he sure is a big one too. I forgot to ask them his weight today, but I could tell.






Oh my, my parents actually gave the O.K. and now i'm looking for my baby!


I'm very excited, and I have been brainstorming names. (when it comes to naming anything, i have a horrible time)


I have two choices for male:

1. Baloo (as in the Jungle Book bear)

2. Zeus



And so far no ideas for female names.


Your opinion? :)[


Post edited by: empera, at: 2008/12/02 02:13<br><br>Post edited by: empera, at: 2008/12/02 02:13

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Thats great news you have got the go ahead to get your grey. Are you looking for a baby or a rehome? Have you already seen a grey?


When I got my greys, I had each one a couple of weeks and learnt the greys personality before choosing a name, I had some ideas but got to know the bird a bit before making a final decision.


Make sure you look on the net, there are plenty of sites with parrot names, traditional, unusual etc.


Keep us updated, I cant wait to hear about a new arrival to our grey family.



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Congrats Empera on getting the go ahead from your parents to get your grey, I think you have shown you are mature enough to handle the responsibility of owning and taking care of one of these magnificent creatures.


Sometimes it helps to wait until you actually bring the bird home and see something about it's personality that brings a particular name to mind.


Please keep us informed every step of the way and we will help you in any way we can.:)

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Congratulations Empera!!


Those are good names you have thought of so far. Once you start visiting and interacting with your Grey, a name will normally come much easier as it will fit their personality. At Least thats my method of naming Parrots and Animals. :-)

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Thanks for the congrats.


I plan to get a baby. As much as I should rescue a grey, because there are so many that need help, I don't think I'm quite ready for that. :S


As far as finding a breeder goes, this was not the best time of year to look for a grey. But there are a few options in the Seattle Washington area, and the first one that I need to investigate is Apollos Bird Store in Everett, WA.


There are 8 month old greys hatched in April, and barely 2 month olds that hatched in early October. I don't plan on actually bringing a grey home until Christmas or afterwards, so I'm not sure which would be the best choice.


I can hardly contain my excitement, and I think everyone I talk to can tell. Last night, after hearing the great news, I couldn't at all fall to asleep. :blink: I was so excited about actually getting a grey, that I had a dream of bringing one home.


Haha, am I the only one who was this excited to get your long awaited baby? Please share.

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No you are not the first to be so excited about bringing home a grey and you definitely won't be the last.


I couldn't sleep either when I knew I was bringing home Josey, I had a sun conure but never had a bird as big as a grey and I was a little nervous and excited but as soon as I got her home I got over the nervousness and have continued to enjoy her every day since then. It is like waiting for Christmas morning, you can't sleep but its a good can't sleep thing.

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How exciting for you! I like the names you are considering already. I also like the name Sophie or Sophia for a girl, or Bella. There are so many good names out there and of course you can also be original and come up with something entirely new!

When my breeding pair of greys had their first baby after 10 years of waiting for it, I was ecstatic! I couldn't believe how excited I was. It really is like Christmas.

My opinion is to go for the 2 month old greys and try to visit and play with it a lot between now and when you can bring it home. That way it will already know you when you take it home.

Keep us updated on your soon to be new arrival.

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Congrats.Its hard to figure out names.It takes awhile but its fun.You Zeus for male.If its female there's Xena. Just have fun finding a name dont let it frustrate you. Just be happy your getting your baby.Keep us updated and w/pics too. We enjoy pics.;)

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